a) OLUMLU CÜMLELER: Affirmative (Positive) Sentences:

THEY like hamburger.

have lunch at 12:00.

do exercise every morning.

IT likes hamburger.

has lunch at 12:00.

does exercise every morning

Kural 1: I, you, we, and they kişilerinden sonar fiillerin yalın halleri kullanılır.
Kural 2: he, she it (3. tekil şahıs) den sonra fiillere -(e)s takısı eklenir.

• Mary speaks English every day.
• We watch TV every evening.
• My girlfriend writes a letter to me every week.
• Sally and Tom study grammar on Wednesdays.
• My father usually leaves home at 8 o’clock in the morning.

b) Negative Sentences: OLUMSUZ CÜMLELER

THEY don’t like hamburger.
don’t have lunch at 12:00.
don’t do exercise every morning.

doesn’t have lunch at 12:00.
doesn’t like hamburger.
doesn’t do exercise every morning.

Simple present tense olumsuz cümlelerinde) “DO and DOES” yardımcı fiilleri kullanılır. I, You, We, They kişilerinden sonra DO NOT (DON’T) yardımcı fiili, ana fiilden önce kullanılır. He, She, It kişilerinden sonra ise DOES NOT (DOESN’T) yardımcı fiili kullanılır; fiilere -(e)s takısı eklenmez. –(e)s takısı sadece olumlu cümlelerde 3. tekil şahıslardan sonra kullanılır.

• Sam doesn’t know French.
• It doesn’t snow in Egypt.
• They don’t have breakfast every morning.
• I don’t get up early on Sundays.
• She doesn’t want to go to school this morning.
• My mother doesn’t watch football matches on TV.
• Mary and Jack don’t like ice cream.

c) Question Sentences - Soru Cümleleri

THEY like hamburger ?
have luch at 12:00 ?
do exercise every morning ?
IT like hamburger ?
have lunch at 12:00 ?
do exercise every morning ?

Soru cümlelerinde, DO ve DOES yardımcı fiilleri cümlenin başında kullanılır. Fiillerin yalın halleri kullanılır: -(e)s takısı kullanılmaz.

• Does Jane live in London?
• Do you watch TV every evening?
• Does your father read newspapers
• Do you live in town or a city?
• Does your boyfriend call you every evening?


a) work – works talk – talks
read – reads suggest – suggests
b) write – writes believe – believes –s birçok fiilie doğrudan eklenir..
-e ile biten fiilere de –s takısı eklenir.

c) -sh....... wash – washes
d) –ch...... catch – catches
e) –ss.......discuss – discusses
f) –x ........fax – faxes
g) –o ...... do – does –sh, -ch, -ss, -x, -o ile biten fiileler –es takısı alırlar..
h) - consonant + y: cry – cries
fly – flies
try – tries
Eğer bir fiil , bir sessiz harften ( consonant) sonra gelen -y ile bitiyorsa,–y düşer ve fiile –ies eklenir.
I) – vowel + -y: play - plays
stay – stays
pray – prays Eğer fiil sesli (vowel) bir harften sonra gelen –y ile bitiyorsa, -s taksı doğrudan eklenir.


a) Genel Gerçeklikler ile
The present simple tense her zaman geçerli olan genel doğrular ve evrensel gerçeklerin anlatımında kullanılır.
• The earth is round.
• The earth goes around the sun.
• Water freezes at 0 degrees.
• Kangaroos live in Australia.
• The sun sets in the West.
• Most babies learn to speak when they are about two years old.
• Water boils at 100° Celsius.
• Trees lose their leaves in the fall.
• Few people live to be 100 years old?
• Wood floats on water.

Does it snow in the Sahara desert?
• Do elephants live longer than humans?
• Money doesn't guarantee happiness.
• Flowers don't grow in winter.

b) Alışkanlıklar ve huylardan bahsederken Simple Present Tense kullanılır.
• She plays football but she doesn't play tennis.
• For breakfast he eats rice and drinks cold milk.
• She works very hard.
• My friend hates fish.
• I never drink coffee with milk.
• I don't like horror films!
• Do you smoke?

c) Simple Present Tense düzenli olarak yaplan rutin eylemlerden bahsederken kullanılır.

• I usually get up at 9 o’clock in the morning.
• He goes to work by bus every day.
• Tim sometimes works till 10 pm in the evening.
• The banks in Turkey open at 9:00 am and close at 5:00 pm.
• The bus 29 arrives at the station at 8 o’clock in the morning.
• It rains very often in the spring.
• They go on vacation to Bodrum every summer.

d) The present simple tense düşünce ve hisleri gösteren zihinsel aktivite fiilerinin şimdiki zamanda ifadesinde kullanılır.
like love prefer know understand
hate need want believe remember
see hear taste smell look

• I love lying in bed late on Sunday mornings.
• I need to know the truth right now.
• She says she doesn't know who did it, but I don't believe her.
• He doesn't want to speak to you again.
• This doesn't taste very good, does it?
• Do you remember the first time we met?
• Do you smell something funny?
• Does he understand which way to go?

e) The present simple tense fıkra ve hikaye anlatımlarında olayların daha güncel gözükmeleri için kullanılır. The present simple aynı zamanda bir kitapta ya da filmde olanları anlatırken de kullanılır.
• So in he walks with a parrot on his shoulder.
• In his new film Robert Redford plays the part of a brave cowboy.

f) The present simple planlanmış bir tarifeye bağlı, ya da kişilerin kontrolünde olmayan gelecek eylemlerinin anlatımında kullanılır.
• Hurry up! The train departs in 5 minutes.
• I leave Frankfurt at 5 in the morning and arrive in New York at midnight the next day.
• She has a piano lesson after school today.
• There's no need to hurry. The train doesn't leave for another 10 minutes.
• When does the meeting begin?

g) Direktif Verirken

• Open the packet and pour the contents into hot water.
• To start the machine,press the yellow button and turn the arrow to the right.

h) Gazete ve Haber Başlıklarında


i) Törensel Anons, Duyuru

• I pronounce you husband and wife!
• I name this ship TITANIC!

j) Simultane Tercüme & Maç Anlatımı

• Sukur passes the ball to Berkamp!
• Schumacher maintains his lead over the other racers.

1.4 Sıklık Zarflarının Kullanımı

John always _________100%
usually( generally)
very often
often (frequently)
never___________0% gets up early on Sunday mornings.

a) Sıklık zarfları, eylemlerin ne sıklıkla yapıldıklarını göstermek için kullanılırlar.

NOTE 1: Usually, sometimes and often cümlelerin başında ya da sonunda, vurgu için kullanılabilirler. Bu kullanım cümlenin anlamını doğrudan etkilemez.
• Sometimes I go out with my friends in the evening.
• Often she calls me at 10:00.
• I get up late sometimes.

NOTE 2: “seldom, rarely, hardly, never, sıklık zarfları cümlenin başında kullanıldığında, cümle devrik cümle yapısı alır; yani, soru cümlesi şeklinde yazılır. Cümlede anlamsal bir faklılık oluşmaz.

• Rarely does she get up early on Sundays.
• Hardly do I see her at the cafeteria.
• Never does she smoke in public places

b) Sıklık gösteren zarf öbekleri, cümlenin başında ya da sonunda kullanılabilir. Bu kullanım herhangi bir yapısal ya da anlamsal değişime yol açmaz.

On Wednesdays
Every Wednesday
Once a week
Twice a month
Every summer

she visits her aunt

On Wednesdays
Every Wednesday.
Once a week
Twice a month
Every summer

1.5 Sıklık zarfları genellikle BE fiilinden sonra kullanılır.

John is always _________100%
usually( generally)
very often
often (frequently)
never___________0% late for work,


Bu tense, konuşma anında yapılan işlerden bahsedilirken kullanılır. Bu işi kendimiz ya da başkaları yapıyor olabilir. Türkçe karşılığı “ŞİMDİKİ ZAMAN” dır. Bu tense’deki yardımcı fiiller; am, is, are’ dır. Sürekliliği göstermesi için fiile –ing takısı getirilir.

is + ving

She is sleeping now.

# I’m eating an ice cream. (Dondurma yiyorum.)
# We’re having good time in the disco. (Disko’da iyi zaman geçiriyorum.)
# Aslı and Ebru aren’t doing their homework. (Aslı ve Ebru ödevlerini yapmıyorlar.)

* Present Continuos Tense’de fiillere –ing takısı eklerken, bazı değişiklikler yapmamız gerekir. Bunlar aşağıdaki şekilde gösterilmiştir.

a) Sonu “e” ile biten fiillere –ing takısı eklenirken “e” düşer.
# write _ writing, hope _ hoping, hide _ hiding, ride _ riding etc....

b) Sonu bir sesli, bir sessiz harf ile biten tek heceli fiillerde sondaki sessiz harf çift yazılır.
# stop _ stopping, run _ running, sit _ sitting, set _ setting etc.....

c) “-y” ile biten fiillerde –ing eklenirken yazımda bir değişiklik olmaz.
# study _ studying, try _ tyring, play _ playing etc.......

d) “-ie” ile biten fiillerde “-ie”, “y”ye dönüşür ve –ing eklenir.
# die _dying, lie _ lying etc......

e) Sonu iki sesle biten fiillere –ing eklenirken değişiklik yapılmaz.
# stand _ standing, hold _ holding, spend _ spending, start _ starting etc...

* Bu tense’de kullanılan zaman zarfları aşağıdaki gibidir ve hepsinin de anlamı “şimdi, (tam) şu an” dır.

right now
at the moment
at present

* Sadece konuşma anında değil, o sıralarda yapmakta olduğumuz işleri de anlatırken kullanırız.

# I am taking five courses this semester.
# He is redecorating his house nowadays.

Konuşmanın geçtiği anda ya da o sıralarda yapmakta olduğumuz işleri “Present Continuous Tense” ile; genelde yaptığımız işleri, alışkanlıklarımız ise “Simple Present” ile anlatırız.

# Figen is in her room now. She is studying. (O ders çalışıyor.)
# Figen always studies in her room after dinner. (O hep yemekten sonra ders çalışır.)

* Bazı fiiller süreklilik bildiren tense’lerle kullanılmazlar. Bu fiiller eylen değil durum ifade ederler. Durum bildiren fiillerin şimdiki zaman ve geniş zaman için kullanımları aynıdır.

# I’m writing now. ( Eylem bildirir.)
# I know English. ( Eylem bildirmez.)
# She thinks he’s good boy. ( Eylem bildirmez.)

* Contınuous Tense’le kullanılmayan fiillerden bazıları şunlardır:

1. Verbs of mind : know, forget,understand, think, remember, believe.
2. Verbs of feelings : love, hate, dislike, fear, prefer, want, wish, forgive, like,
3. Verbs of 5 senses : smell, taste, hear, touch, see.
4. Verbs of possession : have, own, belong, possess.
5. Certain other verbs : cost, look, need, weigh, depend, advise, seem, promise.


Present Continuous Tense, bu zamanla kullanılan “now, right now, at the moment” gibi zaman zarfları atılarak, onun yerine gelecek zamanda kullanılan “next, tomorrow, soon” gibi kelimeler kullanıldığında anlamı “gelecek zamana dönüştürür.

* Bu kullanım çoğunlukla kişisel plânlar için geçerlidir.

# I’m watching TV this evening. (Bu televizyon izliyorum / izleyeceğim.)
# Ali’s going to the cinema next weekend. ( Ali bu haftasonu sinemaya gidiyor.)
# What are you doing on Saturday? ( Cumartesi ne yapıyorsun?)
# I’m playing football with friends tomorrow

Simple Past Tense - Geçmiş Zaman (-dili)

Geçmişte yaşanmış ve şu an sona ermiş olayları anlatmak için kullanılan zaman kalıbıdır. Türkçe’de fiile –di eki getirilerek yapıldığı için di’li geçmiş zaman olarak da adlandırılır. İngilizce de farklı türde past (geçmiş) zamanlar vardır. Simple Past (basit geçmiş) zaman temel geçmiş zaman kalıbıdır. Bu zamanda Fiilin ikinci hali kullanılır. İngilizce de fiiller düzenli (regular) ve düzensiz (irregular) fiiller olarak ikiye ayrılır. Düzenli fiillerin ikinci hali temel fiile –ed eki getirilerek yapılır fakat düzensiz fiillerde bu kural geçerli değildir. Düzensiz fillerin ikinci halinin öğrenilmesi gerekir.

Simple Past Tense - Geçmiş Zaman Genel Olumlu (positive) cümle yapısı:

Özne (subject) + Fiilin 2. hali (Verb 2) + (others)

We walked to the wood. Biz ormana yürüdük.
I talked there last week. Ben geçen hafta orada konuştum.
He told the true. O , doğruyu söyledi.
I met my uncle. Ben amcam ile görüştüm.
They put the flowers to vase. Onlar çiçekleri vazoya koydular.

Simple Past Tense - Geçmiş Zaman Genel Olumsuz(negative) cümle yapısı:

Olumsuz cümle yapısında fiilden önce did not getirilir. Fiil birinci hale dönüşür.

Did not yerine kısaltılmış hali didn’t kullanılabilir.

We did not walk to the wood. Biz ormana yürümedik.
I didn’t talk there last week. Ben geçen hafta orada konuşmadım.
He didn’t tell the true. O , doğruyu söylemedi.
I didn’t met my uncle. Ben amcam ile görüşmedim.
They did not put the flowers to vase. Onlar çiçekleri vazoya koymadılar.

Simple Past Tense - Geçmiş Zaman soru cümle yapısı

Soru cümlelerinde did yardımcı fiili cümle başına getirilir. Fiil ise birinci hale döner.

Did you write your name? Siz adınızı yazdınız mı?
Did he learn the questions? O soruları öğrendi mi?
Did they walk in the garden? Onlar bahçede yürüdü ler mi?

Simple Past Tense - Geçmiş Zaman olumsuz soru cümle yapısı

Olumsuz Soru cümlelerinde did yardımcı fiilinden sonra not getirilir. Fiil ise birinci hale döner.

Did not you write your name? Siz adınızı yazdmadınız mı?
Did not he learn the questions? O soruları öğrenmedi mi?
Did not they walk in the garden? Onlar bahçede yürüdümediler mi?

Simple Past Tense - Geçmiş Zamanın kullanıldığı yerler, kullanım şekiller, örnekler

1) Geçmişte yapılmış, bitmiş, tamamlanmış olayları ifade eder.

I bought these things. Ben , bu şeyleri satın aldım.
I caught those birds. Ben şunlar kuşları yakaladım.
I chose these fruits. Ben , bu meyvaları seçtim.

2) Geçmişte birbirini izleyen olayları hikaye etmede kullanılır

3) Geçmişte belli bir süre içerisinde devam etmiş olayları,eylemleri anlatmak için kullanılır

4) Geçmişteki alışkanlıkları ifade eder


[WAS / WERE] + [VERB+ing]
Auxiliary verbs: was - were


I was studying lesson.(Ders çalışıyordum.)

She was smoking when I saw her.(Onu gördüğümde sigara içiyordu.)

They were drinking tea when I arrived. (Ben vardığımda çay içiyorlardı.)

USE 1 Interrupted Action in the Past
(Geçmişte yarıda kesilen eylemler)
Use the Past Continuous to indicate that a longer action in the past was interrupted. The interruption is usually an action in the Simple Past.

Past Continuous Tense geçmişte yarıda kesilen uzun olayları anlatmak için kullanılır. Daha uzun olan eylemi yarıda kesen eylem genelde Simple Past tense ile ifade edilir.


I was watching TV when she called. (O aradığında televizyon seyrediyordum.)

When the phone rang, she was writing a letter. (Telefon çaldığında mektup yazıyordu.)

While we were having a picnic, it started to rain. (Piknik yaparken yağmur yağmaya başladı.)

Sally was working when Joe had the car accident. (Joe araba kazası geçirdiğinde Sally çalışıyordu.)

While John was sleeping last night, someone stole his car. (Dün gece John uyurken birisi arabasını çaldı.)

USE 2 Specific Time as an Interruption
(Geçmişte belirli bir zamanda yapılan eylem)

In USE 1, described above, the Past Continuous is interrupted by an action in the Simple Past. However, you can also use a specific time as an interruption.

Birinci kullanımda geçmişte başka bir olayla kesilen eylemlerde Past Continuous Tense kullandığımızı söylemiştik. Bunun yanında geçmişte belirli bir anda yapılan eylemden bahsederken de Past Continuous Tense kullanılabilir.


Last night at 6 p.m., I was eating dinner. (Dün gece saat 6'da yemek yiyordum.)

At midnight, we were still driving through the desert. (Geceyarısı hala çölde araç kullanıyorduk)


Simple Past Tense'de kullanılan zaman ifadeleri eylemin tam olarak başlama veya bitiş zamanını belirtir. Past Continuous Tense'de ise, belirtilen zaman eylemin başlangıcı veya bitişini değil, yalnızca o anda eylemin yapılmakta olduğunu belirtir.


Last night at 6 p.m., I ate dinner. (Saat 6'da yemeye başladım.)

Last night at 6 p.m., I was eating dinner.(Yemek yemeye daha önce başladım ve saat 6'da yemek süreci devam ediyordu.)

USE 3 Parallel Actions
(Paralel eylemler)When you use the Past Continuous with two actions in the same sentence, it expresses the idea that both actions were happening at the same time. The actions are parallel. İki eylemi aynı anda Past Continuous Tense ile kullandığımızda, belirtilen iki eylemin aynı anda yapıldığı fikri ortaya çıkar. Yani eylemler paraleldir.


I was studying while he was making dinner.
(O yemeği hazırlarken ben ders çalışıyordum)

While Ellen was reading, Tim was watching television.
(Ellen kitap okurken Tim televizyon seyrediyordu.)

They were eating dinner, discussing their plans and having a good time.
(Yemek yiyor, planları hakkında tartışıyor ve iyi vakit geçiriyorlardı.)

USE 4 Atmosphere
(Atmosfer) In English we often use a series of Parallel Actions to describe atmosphere in the past.

(İngilizce'de genelde geçmişteki bir havayı (atmosferi) tasvir etmek için bir dizi eylemi arka arkaya kullanırız.


When I walked into the office, several people were busily typing, some were talking on the phones, the boss was yelling directions, and customers were waiting to be helped. One customer was yelling at a secretary and waving his hands. Others were complaining to each other about the bad service.
Ofise geldiğimde birkaç insan meşgul bir şekilde daktilo kullanıyor, bazıları telefonda konuşuyor, patron emirler yağdırıyor ve müşteriler yardım için bekliyorlardı. Müşterinin biri sekretere bağırıyor ve ellerini sallıyordu. Diğerleri birbirlerine kötü hizmetten yakınıyorlardı.


Time expressions zaman belirten ifadelerdir ve İngilizce'de her zaman için farklı ifadeler kullanılır. Özellikle sınavlarda cümlenin hangi tense olduğunu anlamak için time expression'ların bilinmesi çok önemlidir.

while = as

I saw him while he was driving. (Onu araba sürerken gördüm.)
They helped me as I was carrying some heavy bags. (Bazı ağır çantaları taşırken bana yardım ettiler.)

Past Perfect Tense Türkçe'de "miş"li geçmiş zamanın karşılığı olarak kullanılabilir. Geçmişte olan iki olaydan, daha önce olanını ifade ederken bu tense'i kullanırız.

FORM Past Perfect



I had studied a little English when I came to the U.S.
(İngiltere'ye geldiğimde biraz İngilizce çalışmıştım.)

They had never met an American until they met John.
(Onlar John'la tanışıncaya kadar hiç bir Amerikalıyla tanışmamışlardı.)

USE 1 Geçmişte başka bir şeyden önce tamamlanan eylem

The Past Perfect expresses the idea that something occurred before another action in the past. It can also show that something happened before a specific time in the past.

(Past Perfect tense geçmişte bir eylemin, başka bir eylemden önce tamamlanmış olduğunu ifade eder. Aynı zamanda geçmişte yaşanan bir eylemin belirli bir zamandan önce olduğunu söylemek için de kullanılır.)


I had never seen such a beautiful beach before I went to Kauai.
(Kauai'ye gitmeden önce böyle güzel bir film seyretmemiştim.)

Had you ever visited the U.S. before your trip in 1992?
(1992 yılındaki seyahatinden önce hiç Amerika'ya gitmiş miydin?)

Yes, I had been to the U.S. once before in 1988.
(Evet, 1998'den önce Amerika'da bulunmuştum.)

USE 2 Geçmişteki belirli bir şey veya zamandan önceki süreç


We had had that car for ten years before it broke down.
(Bu araba bozulmadan önce on yıl bizimdi.)

By the time Alex finished his studies, he had been in London for over eight years.
(Alex çalışmalarını bitirdiğinde sekiz yıldan fazla zamandır Londra'da bulunmaktaydı.)

İngilizce'de "Past Perfect Tense" geçmişte belirli bir tarihten daha önce yapılmış olan olayları anlatır. The Past Perfect Tense geçmişte belli bir zamandan önce olan olayları anlattığı için, genellikle The Simple Past Tense bir cümle ile bağlı olarak kullanılır. Bir iş, geçmişte belirli bir olaydan önce yapılmışsa, fakat belirli bir tarihi yoksa bu işi, The Past Perfect Tense ile anlatılır.

I had left Antalya before Ayşe arrived in Antalya.
Ayşe Antalya’ya varmadan önce ben Antalya’dan ayrılmıştım.

Ayşe’nin Antalya’ya gelmesi geçmişte belirli bir tarihte olmuştur. Bu sebepten The Simple Past Tense bir cümle ile anlatılır. Benim Antalya’dan ayrılış tarihim ise önemli değil. Önemli olan Ayşe gelmeden önce olmasıdır. Bu yüzden The Past Perfect Tense bir cümle ile anlatılır ve bu iki cümle before bağlacı ile birbirine bağlanır.

I had eaten the apples before you came in.
Sen içeri girmeden önce ben elmaları yemiştim.

We had prepared their rooms before they came.
Onların odalarını, onlar gelmeden önce hazırlamıştık.

Had you finished your homework before you went out?
Dışarı çıkmadan önce ev ödevlerini bitirmiş miydin?

She had washed the dishes before her mother came home.
Annesi eve gelmeden önce o, tabakları yıkamıştı.

Ayşe went to post office after she had written the letter.
Ayşe mektubu yazdıktan sonra postaneye gitti.

When I met her the rain had stopped.
Ona rastladığım zaman yağmur durmuştu.


1.1 Form Of Simple Future Tense: WILL

a) Affirmative (Positive) Sentences

THEY will eat a hamburger

‘ll write the letter

Olumlu cümle yapısında , bütün öznelerden sonar “will” yardımcı fiili ile birlikte fiillerin yalın halleri (V1) kullanılır.

• I will finish my work in a few hours.
• The train will leave the station at 11:00.
• Jim will eat lunch at 12:00.
• I will go to Istanbul tomorrow.
• The weather will be rainy this afternoon.

b) Negative Sentences

THEY will not eat a hamburger

won’t write the letter .

Olumsuz cümle yapılarında, yardımcı fiile not eklenir. Fiilin yapısı değişmez; aynı kalır.

• I will not see Tom this morning.
• Mr. Charmers won’t come to work today.
• They will not go to the cinema this weekend.
• We won’t play football tomorrow.
• Fred will not come to our party

c) Question Sentences

Will I
they eat hamburger?

write the letter?

wash the car?

Soru cümlelerinde, will yardımcı fiilicümlenin özneden once (cümle başında) kullanılır. Fiillerin yalın halleri ( V1)ise özneden sonar kullanılır.

• Will you be at home tomorrow night?
• Will the dinner be ready in a few minutes?
• When will you see Mr. Chang?
• Will you arrive in Manchester next week?

1.2 Form Of Simple Future Tense: BE GOING TO

a) Affirmative (Positive) Sentences

I am going to write the letter.

wash the car.
It is going to
They are going to

Bir diğer gelecek zaman yapısı olan “ be going to “ cümlelerinde, “ be going to” aynı will gibi cümlede yardımcı fiil görevini üstlenir. “ be going to” dan sonra da her zaman fiillerin yalın ( V1) halleri kullanılır.

• I am going to eat lunch at 12:30 this afternoon.
• She is going to watch the film on the TV after she finishes her homework.
• Tom is studying hard. He is going to pass the test.
• Mr. Watson is going to be here tomorrow.

b) Negative Sentences

I am not going to write the letter.
wash the car.

It is not going to
They are not going to

Olumsuz cümle yapılarında, “be going to “ yapısına “not” eklenerek “ be not going to “ elde edilir.

• I didn’t study last night, and I am not going to study tonight either.
• They are not going to play football this afternoon.
• John is sick. He isn’t going to be in class tomorrow.
• I have changed my plans. I am not going to fly to Istanbul this weekend.

c) Question Sentences

Am I going to write the letter?

wash the car?
Is He
Are We

Soru cümlelerinde “be” öznenin başına alınır.

• Are you going to stay at home this weekend?
• Is she going to watch TV this evening?
• What are they going to do tomorrow?
• Are you going to call me later?

1.3 Using Simple Future Tense: Will vs. Be Going To

İngilizce’nin basit gelecek zaman( Simple FutureTense) anlatımlarında “will” ve “ be going to olmak üzere iki farklı yapı vardır. Bu yapılar bazen biribirlerini yerine kullanılabilmelerine rağmen, çoğu zaman oldukça farklı anlamlar da verebilirler. Bu anlam farklılıkları önceleri çok soyut ve anlaşılmaz gibi gözükseler de,zaman içinde yapılacak çalışmalar ile bu ayrım oldukça basit gelir. "will" and "be going to" yapılarının her ikisi de gelecekte belirli bir zamanı gösterirler.

a) Using “will” to express a voluntary action / willingness

Kişilerin bir eylemi başkası için gönüllü olarak, kendi istekleri ile yapmaları, bir yardım isteğine ya da ihtiyacına karşılık vermeleri üzerine olan durumlar “will” ile ifade edilir. Bu amlamda “be going to” yapısı kullanılmaz. Aşağıdaki cümlelerdeki eylemler planlanmış gelecek zaman eylemleri değillerdir.

A: I'm really hungry.
B: I'll make some sandwiches.

A: These bags are so heavy!
B: I'll help you.

A: The phone is ringing.
B: I'll get it.

b) Using “will” in promises.

Söz verirken, “ will” kullanılır.

• Don’t worry! I will call you as soon as I arrive at the airport.
• Thank you for lending me the money. I will pay it back on Friday. I promise!
• I promise I will not tell him about the surprise birthday party.

c) Using “be going to” to express an future plan.

“ be going to “ ile lurulan gelecek zaman cümlelerinde birinin gelecekte belirli bir zamanda bir eylemi gerçekleştirmeye niyeti olduğu ya da bunu planladığı ifade edilir. Başka bir deyişle gelecekte yapmaya daha once karar verdiğimiz ,planlanmış eylemlerden bahsederken “ be going to” yapısı kullanılır.

• I am tired of taking the bus to work. I am going to buy a car as soon as possible.
• I bought some paint this morning. I am going to paint the garage tomorrow.
• I am going to start making dinner before my wife gets home from work today.
• We are going to wait here until Jessica comes.
• When they get to the hotel, they are going to jump into the swimming pool.

d) Using “be going to” and “will” to express predictions

Gelecekte olacağını düşündüğümüz bir aylemden bahseserken,başka bir deyişle, tahminler yaparken, “will” ya da “be going to” kullanılabilir.

• The weather reports say it will be sunny tomorrow.
• Look at those black clouds. It’s going to rain.
• Be careful. You will hurt yourself!
• She is studying hard. She is going to pass the exam.
• I think Fenerbahce Istanbul will become the champion this year.

1.4 Using Present Continuous for Future

Bazen gelecek zamandan bahsederken present continuous tense kullanılır. Bu kullanımda anlam, “be going to “ yapısı ile tamamen aynıdır. Geleceğe yönelik kesin bir plan, karar ya da niyet belirten cümlelerde present continuous tense kulanılabilir. “go, come, arrive, stay, leave” fiileri present continuous tense’in gelecek zaman ifadelerinde sıklıkla kullanılır. Bu fiiler kesin planlar ifade ederler. Gelecekte planlanmış seyahat ifadelerinde kullanılan, fly, walk, ride, drive, take ( a taxi, a bus etc.) gibi fiiller de present continuous tense’de kullanılırlar.

• Bill is coming to the meeting tomorrow. (= Bill is going to come to the meeting tomorrow.)
• We are flying to Istanbul tonight. (= We are going to fly to Istanbul tomorrow.)
• They are playing football this afternoon. (=They are going to play football this afternoon.)
• I am leaving home tomorrow morning. (= I am going to leave home tomorrow morning.)

1.5 Using Simple Present for Future

The simple present gelecekte belirli bir takvim ya da zaman tablosuna bağlı olarak düzenli olarak yapılmakta olan eylemlerdenbahasederken kullanılır. Simple present ‘in gelecek zaman ifadelerinde oldukça sınırlı sayıda fiil lullanılır: arrive, leave, start, begin, end, finish, open, close, be.

• The bus leaves the station at 7.45 tomorrow morning.
• The semester ends in two more weeks.
• His new job starts next Friday.

1.6 Future Time Clauses with “Before, After, When”

Zaman cümleciklerinde, ifade edilen zaman kavramı gelecek zaman olsa dahi, her zaman simple present tense kullanılır; future tense asla kullanılmaz.

• DOĞRU: Before Mary goes to school tomorrow, she will eat breakfast.
YANLIŞ: Before Mary will go to school tomorrow, she will eat breakfast.

• DOĞRU: After I eat dinner tonight, I will do my homework.
YANLIŞ: After I will eat dinner tonight, I will do my homework

• DOĞRU: I will get some fresh fruit when I go to the market tomorrow.
YANLIŞ: I will get some fresh fruit when I will go to the market tomorrow.

1.7 Present plans for future activities:
Using Intend, Plan, Hope

Intend, plan and hope fiilleri, gelecekte yapacağımız eylemler için şu andaki düşüncelerimizi ifade ederler. Bu fiiler future tense ile asla kullanılmazlar.. Bu anlamı zaten taşırlar.

• I intend to go to Bodrum . / I am intending to go to Bodrum.
( INCORRECT: I will intend to go to Bodrum)
• I’m planning to buy another car this year./ I plan to buy another car this year.
( INCORRECT: I will plan to buy another car this year.)
• I am hoping to finish the school this semester. / I hope to finish the school this semester. ( INCORRECT: I will hope to finish the school this semester.)


1.1 Form Of Present Perfect Tense
a) Affirmative (Positive) Sentences
Have / Has + V3
IT has eaten hamburger

has written the letter

has washed the car

THEY have eaten hamburger

have written the letter

have washed the car

Present Perfect Tense’in olumlu cümle yapısında, özneden sonra have / has yardımcı
fiileri ile V3 (past participle) kullanılır.

• I have finished my work.
• They have moved to a new apartment.
• Jim has eaten lunch.
• I have seen that movie before.
• My father has washed the car.

b) Negative Sentences

IT has not eaten hamburger

has not written the letter

has not washed the car

THEY have not eaten hamburger

have not written the letter

have not washed the car

Present perfect tense’ in olumsuz cümle yapılarında, has / have yardımcı fiilerine not

eklenir ve V3 (past participle) kullanılır.

• I have not seen Tom this morning.
• The student’s have not finished their homework.
• Maria has not washed the dishes
• The secretary hasn’t typed the letter yet.
• We haven’t received any messages from Jack this week.

c) Question Sentences

Has he
it eaten hamburger?
written the letter?
washed the car?

Have we
they eaten hamburger?
written the letter?
washed the car?

Soru cümlelerinde, have / has yardımcı fiilleri özneden önce, V3 özneden sonra kullanılır.

• Have you visited your uncle this week?
• Have you ever eaten Chinese food?
• Has Tim drunk any beer?
• Has she finished her work?
• Have you ever been to Istanbul?

1.2 Present Perfect Tense Nerlerde Kullanılır?

a) Present perfect tense, geçmişte, belirsiz bir zamanda, yapılmış ya da hiç yapılmamış

bir eylemi ifade ederken kullanılır. Eylemlerin ne zaman yapıldığı Present Perfect Tense’

de önemli değildir ve belirtilmez. Eğer geçmişte belirli bir zaman belirtilmesi gerekiyorsa, ya da eylemin ne zaman yapıldığı belirtilmek isteniyorsa, Simple Past Tense kullanılır.

• They have moved to a new apartment. They moved there last week.
• I have washed the car. (It is clean now!)
• I have never seen such a big building. (All my life)
• I have met Bill’s wife. I met her at a party last night.
• Have you ever eaten at that restaurant yet?
• I think I have seen that girl before.

b) For, since, so far, up till now, untill now ile kullanıldığında present perfect tense

geçmişte başlayıp içinde bulunduğumuz ana kadar devem etmekte olan bir eylemden

bahsetmek için kullanılır.

• I have been here since 9 o’clock.
• They have been married for 25 years.
• I have has this old car for 10 years.
• She has done great work up to now. I think she will be promoted soon.
• I haven’t seen my uncle since 1990.
• Janet has been very busy with the new project for the last three months.
• I have liked science-fiction films ever since I was a child.

c) The present perfect tense geçmiş ve şimdiki zaman arasında, kesin zamanlar belirtmeksizin, tekrarlanmış olan eylemlerden bahsederken kullanılır.
• I have seen that movie four times.
• I have met many new friends since I came here.
• How many times have you been to France?
• The telephone has rung six times since this morning.
• The scientists have made many important inventions since 1900’s.

d) Bahsedilen zaman dilimi henüz bitmemiş ise present perfect tense kullanılır.

• I haven’t seen Tom this morning. (It’s still this morning)
• My grandfather has written many novels. (He is still alive and writing novels)
• It has rained a lot this year.
• Jane hasn’t called me today.

e) Present perfect tense çok kısa bir süre önce tamamlanmış, geçerliliğini hala koruyan eylemleri ifade etmek için kullanılır.

• I have just eaten a sandwich. ( I am not hungry now)
• Ouch! I’ve cut my finger. It’s bleeding.
• My boss has gone to London. (He is there now)
• The robbers have been put into the prison. (They are in prison now.)

1.3 Using SINCE and FOR
Since bir eylemin geçmişte belirli bir zamanda başlayıp, şu ana kadar devam etmekte olduğunu ifade etmek için kullanılır. Since, bir saat, gün, ay ,yıl ya da geçmişte tamamlanmış bir eylem gibi, geçmiş zaman referansları veren zarf ya da zarf cümlecikleri ile kullanılır.


I have been in this city since + friday.
june 29, 1998
the beginning of this semester
last week
I got the scholarship

• I have had this old car since 1990.
• Alex has not eaten anything since breakfast.
• Roger and I have known each other since last January.
• I have met so many people since I came to this town last year.
• Jane has worn her new blue jeans only twice since she bought them.

For da present perfect tense ile kullanıldığıda, bir eylemin geçmişte başlayıp, şu ana kadar devam etmekte olduğunu ifade etmek için kullanılır. For ile birlikte two minutes, three hours, four days, five years gibi zamanın uzunluğunu ifade eden yapılar kullanılır.


I have been in this city for + ten minutes.
three hours
ten days
about eight years
several weeks
many years
a long timey

• I have had this old car for 10 years.
• Alex has not eaten anything for 8 hours.
• Roger and I have known each other for a year.
• Tom has worked on this project for a long time.
• Jane has not worn her new blue jeans for five months.



1. soru cümlelerinde
• Have you ever been to Turkey?
• Has she ever met John?

2. olumsuz sorularda
• Haven’t they ever been to Turkey?
• Hasn’t she ever met John?

3. olumsuz yapılarda : nothing .......ever , nobody ........ever.
• Nobody has ever climbed to that mountain before.
• Nothing has ever been said to us.

4. “the first time .....” gibi yapılarda

• This is the first time I have ever eaten Thai food.
• It’s the first time I have ever been to England.

5. superlative yapılarda
• Helen is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.
• Istanbul is the most beautiful city I have ever been to?


NEVER “daha önce hiç...” anlamında kullanılır. Never olumsuz bir zarf tır ve not ile birlikte kullanılmamalıdır.

DOĞRU: I have never eaten caviar.
DOĞRU: She has never failed any exams.
YALNIŞ: I haven’t never eaten caviar. Or She hasn’t never failed any exams.

ALREADY bir eylemin halihazırda ( beklenenden önce) yapılmış olduğunu ve artık yapılmasının gereksiz olduğunu ifade etmek içim kullanılır.

• You don’t need to go to the post office. I have already posted the letters.
• Don’t take the car to the mechanic.I have already fixed it.
• Have you already finished your homework?
• I have seen that movie already.

YET bir eylemin şu ana kadar henüz yapılmamış olduğunu, ama gelelecekte yapılabileceğini ya da olabileceğini ifade etmek için kullanılır. Yet cümlenin sonunda kullanılır.

• It’s 2:00 pm and I am very hungry. I haven’t eaten lunch yet.
• Have you seen Eric yet?
• Has he arrived yet?

JUST eylemin daha çok kıza bir süre önce tamamlanığını, henüz olduğunu ifade etmek için kullanılır.

• No, thanks. I have just eaten a sandwich.
• They have just gone out.
• Mr. Green has just called you.


Present Perfect Tense ile Continuous arasında kullanım açısından bazı farklılıklar olsa da, work ve live gibi bazı fiilerde iki tense'in kullanımı da aynıdır.
Örneğin aşağıdaki iki cümle de doğrudur.

I have been working in this company for four years.
(Dört yıldır bu şirkette çalışıyorum.)

I have worked in this company for four years
(Dört yıldır bu şirkette çalışıyorum.)

FORM Present Perfect Continuous

[HAS / HAVE] + [BEEN] + [VERB+ing]


I have been waiting here for two hours.
(İki saattir burada beklemekteyim/bekliyorum.)

She has only been studying English for two years.
(O sadece iki yıldır İngilizce çalışmaktadır.)

We use the Present Perfect Continuous to show that something started in the past and has continued up until now. "For five minutes", "for two weeks", and "since Tuesday" are all durations which can be used with the Present Perfect Continuous.

(Present Perfect Continuous tense geçmişte başlamış bir şeyin şu ana kadar devam ettiğini belirtmek için kullanılır. "Beş dakika boyunca", "iki hafta boyunca" veya "Salı gününden beri" gibi zaman ifade eden kalıplar bu tense ile kullanılır.)


They have been talking for the last hour.
(Son iki saattir konuşuyorlar.)

She has been working at that company for three years.
(Üç yıldır bu şirktte çalışmaktadır.)

James has been teaching at the University since June.
(James Haziran ayından beri üniversitede öğretmektedir.)

USE 2 Recently, Lately
(Son zamanlarda)

You can use the Present Perfect Continuous WITHOUT a duration such as "for five minutes", "for two weeks", and "since Tuesday". Without the durations, the this tense gives a more general meaning of "lately". We often use the words "lately" or "recently" in the sentence to strengthen this meaning.

(Present Perfect Continuous tense aynı zamanda "beş dakika boyunca" gibi bir süreç belirtmeden de kullanılabilir. Bu zaman ifade eden kalıpları kullanmadığımızda cümlede "son zamanlarda" anlamı vardır ve daha geneldir. Anlamı kuvvetlendirmek için cümlelerimizde "recently" veya "lately" (son zamanlarda) gibi kelimeler kullanılır.)


Recently, I have been feeling really tired.
(Son zamanlarda kendimi gerçekten yorgun hissediyorum.)

She has been watching too much television lately.
(Son zamanlarda çok fazla TV seyrediyor.)

Mary has been feeling a little depressed.
(Mary kendini biraz depresyonda hissediyor.)

IMPORTANT Non-Continuous Verbs/ Mixed Verbs

It is important to remember that Non-Continuous Verbs cannot be used in any continuous tenses. To express the idea of Present Perfect Continuous with these exception verbs, you must use Present Perfect.

(Bu tense'in kullanımına ilişkin hatırlanması gereken önemli bir nokta da şudur. Durağan fiiller, yani içinde herhangi bir eylem bulundurmayan fiiller (sahip olmak gibi) Perfect Continuous Tense ile kullanılamaz. Cümleye bu tense'in anlamını kazandırmak için Present Perfect Tense kullanılır.

Sam has been having his car for two years. Yanlış

Comparatives of Adjectives and Adverbs (Sıfatların ve Zarfların Karşılaştırması)

Karşılaştırmalar (comparatives), iki nesneyi karşılaştırırken kullanılır. Genelde bir heceli ya da bazı iki heceli sıfatlardan sonra “daha” anlamına gelen “-er” eki ilave edilir, sonra “-den” anlamına gelen “than” kelimesi kullanılır.

My father is older than my mother .






+er shorter






Sesli harften sonra bir sessiz harfle biten bazı sıfatlarda sondaki sessiz harf iki defa yazılır ve “-er than” eklenir.

Turkey is bigger than Greece. (Türkiye Yunanistan’dan büyüktür.)






Sonu “-y” ile biten kelimelerde “-y” düşer yerine “-i” gelir ve “-er than” eklenir.

My bag is heavier than your bag.





+ier happier





Sonu “-e” ile biten kelimelere sadece “-r than” eklenir.

Your house is larger than my house.




+r nicer




İki veya daha fazla heceli ise “daha fazla” anlamını katmak için


kelimesi kullanılır.

Sedat is more intelligent than me .
İstanbul is more expensive than Ankara .

Sonu “-ed, -ing” ile bitten sıfatlar her zaman “more” kelimesiyle kullanılır.

More crowded More tiring

more / less, the most / the least (daha fazla / daha az, en fazla / en az)

İki nesne veya şeyi karşılaştırırken sıfat tek heceli ise “-er” eklenir. İki veya daha fazla heceli ise “daha fazla” anlamını katmak için “more” , kulanılır. “daha az” anlamını katmak için “less” kullanılır.” Less” hem kısa hem de uzun sıfatlar için kullanılır.







I think men are less patient than women

The last exam is less difficult than the previous one.

Your hair is less oily than mine.

“-ly” ile bitten “adverbs” zarflar more kelimesi ile kullanılır.

Could you please speak more slowly

The computer will, more patiently than any teacher, pay attention to what the student does.

My wife drives more carefully than I do

Not: “early” kelimesi istisnadır.

He came earlier.

“-ly” almayan zarflar (soon,hard, late, fast,) ise “-er” takısı ile birlikte kullanılır.

The person who works harder than anybody else in this company is Sinem.

Why didn't you tell me sooner?

Light travels faster than sound.

She came home later.

Not: “Often” kelimesi istisnadır.

I stay here more often these days.

Belirli iki şey arasında bir karşılaştırma yapıyorsak “the” kullanılır.

Of these two cars, I would buy the cheaper one.

Taner is the taller of the two brathers.

Salih is the more intelligent of the twins.

Düzensiz çekimler :

Good Better

Bad Worse

Far Farther/ Further

Much More

Many More

Little Less (few – fewer)

The movie was better than I expected.

He speaks English better than İbrahim.

The new version is worse than the first version.

We need more than that.

People must read more.

We must exercise more and eat less in order to be healthy.

I'm quite tired but I can certainly walk a little further

Count your books. I think you have fewer than me.

Not: “far” kelimesi “uzak” anlamında “Farther/ Further” şeklinde kullanılabilir. Ancak “more” anlamında sadece “Further” kullanılır. “Farther” kullanılmaz.

I can certainly walk a little further / farther


For further farther information, call 7890

Karşılaştırma yaparken bazı zarflar kullanılarak karşılaştırma derecesini azaltabilir ya da çoğaltabiliriz.

A little / a bit /slightly / somewhat (biraz)

Ankara air is a little cleaner than it used to be 10 years ago.

Tenth Planet is slightly larger than Pluto

He is somewhat more confident than she used to be.

Calling from this card is a bit cheaper than from a land line phone.

A lot, a great deal, much, many, far ,considerably,even (çok)

My exam results are a lot better than I expected.

Goin out sounds a great deal more interesting.

The result is much more surprising.

Surely there must be many more civilian deaths in the blast.

Being a football player is considerably less fun than we think it is

We may sleep even less than we think

Rather, no, any

The new one is rather easier to use.

He has eaten no fewer than four hamburgers.

It isn’t any better.

Comparative adjective veya adverb iki defa tekrarlanarak kullanılabilir. Böyle bir kullanım eylemin sürekli değiştiğini vurgulamaktadır.

There are so many bad films now and less and less people are going to the movies.

The weather gets warmer and warmer these days.

Software systems become more and more expensive.

The comparative…the comparative… yapısı iki durumun birbiriyle ilişkili olarak değiştiğini belirtmek için kullanılır.

The more he drank, the more drunk he became.

The more he insisted he was innocent, the less they seemed to believe him.

The sooner we leave, the sooner we'll get there.

The richer a person is, the happier he is.

“Twice, three/four times, … “ gibi yapılardan sonra “-er than” ya da “ more than” kullanılabilir.

Why is it two or three times more expensive to get a BMW serviced than a Ford?

Cigarettes in Romania are twice cheaper than in Bulgaria

Some 4000 people have died in Afghanistan this year -- four times more than in 2005

Kişi veya nesnelerin farklı özellikleri karşılaştıralabilir.

He was more hardworking than clever

It is colder than it was yesterday.

Yesteday, I wrote more letters than I have done today.

Train certainly should be cheaper than it is

I used to play soccer more often when I was young than I do now.

Last year we earned more money than we had expected.

Cigarettes in Romania are twice cheaper than in Bulgaria


Sıfatların ve zarfların en üstünlük halleri (superlatives), bir nesnenin bir topluluk / grup içindeki en üstün özelliğinden bahseder. Sıfat tek heceli ise “-est” eklenir. Sıfat iki veya daha fazla heceli ise “en fazla” anlamını katmak için “most” kullanılır. Belirli bir nesneden bahsedildiği için sıfatın önünde “the” kullanılmalıdır.

Adjective Comparative Superlative
big bigger the biggest
heavy heavier the heaviest
light lighter the lightest
new newer the newest
old older the oldest
wide wider the widest
Pleased More pleased The most pleased
Expensive More expensive The most expensive

My father is the oldest person in my family.

This is the newest book in the library .

Sinem is the happiest girl of the class.

BMW is the most expensive car.

Sıfat iki veya daha fazla heceli ise “en fazla” anlamını katmak için “most”, “en az” anlamını katmak için de “least” kullanılır

The most










She is the most beautiful girl in the school.

This is the least expensive car in the gallery.

He drives the most carefully.

This method is most commonly used in medicine.

Sıfat ve zarf biçimi aynı olan kelimeler şöyledir.

Early earlier the earliest

Late later the latest

Hard harder the hardest

Fast faster the fastest

Düzensiz yapılar:

Good /well better the best

Bad/ badly worse the worst

Far farther/further the farthest/furthest

Much more the most

Little less the least

Few fewer the fewest

He speaks English the best.

We have fewer boks.

She sings the worst.

Superlative yapı en az üç öğe olduğu zaman kullanılır. İki öğe olduğu zaman comparative yapı kullanılır.

Of these two cars, I would buy the cheaper one.

Of all the fifteen cars here, I would buy the cheapest one.

Taner is the taller of the two brothers.

Taner is the tallest of the three brothers.

Superlative yapıyı vurgulamak için “by far, far and away, quite, very ve much” gibi zarflar kullanılabilir.

They are

by far

the best students in the class

This is

far and away

the worst film I have ever seen



the best person for the job

It was


the most delicious dinner I have ever had.

My son always leaves his homework to the


last moment.

“Of + sözcük grubu” yapısıyla kullanılır.

Pele is the best of all footballers.

Today will be the saddest time of my life.

Of all the animals, I like tigers most.

Of all the works Shakespeare wrote, Hamlet is the most widely recognized.

“most” öncesinde “the” olmadan kullanılırsa “very” anlamına gelir.

It was a most beautiful morning


1 Complete the second sentence with two words so that it means the same as the first sentence. Contracted forms, e.g. isn’t, count as one word.

Example: I’m not sure who it is. Perhaps it’s his wife.

I’m not sure who it is. It might be his wife.

1 We have booked the church for our wedding in August.

We’re _______ _______ in July.

2 This magazine isn’t as interesting as the last one.

This magazine is less _______ _______ the last one.

3 Have you got time to finish the work before Wednesday?

Will you be _______ _______ finish the work before Wednesday?

4 John won’t come out with us tonight. Perhaps he doesn’t have any money.

John won’t come out with us tonight. I suppose he _______ _______ have any money.

5 We met years ago.

We _______ _______ each other for years.

6 It’s a good idea to warm up before doing exercise.

You _______ _______ up before doing exercise.

7 Going to the theatre is more expensive than going to the cinema.

Going to the cinema isn’t _______ _______ as going to the theatre.

8 When you drive it is the law to wear your seat belt.

You _______ _______ wear a seat belt when you drive.

9 It’s really cold today; you should wear a scarf.

It’s really cold today; you _______ _______ wear a scarf.

10 He has already asked her to marry him! He must love her.

He has already asked her to marry him! It _______ _______ love.

2 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Example: How many cups of tea do you have (have) every day?

1 _______ we _______ (try) the new Japanese restaurant in town?

2 I _______ (not pay) yet at work. Can you lend me some money?

3 Jim says you _______ (look for) me 10 minutes ago. I was in a meeting.

4 Luckily I _______ (drive) quite slowly when a cat ran in front of my car.

5 _______ you ever _______ (drive) a sports car?

6 Don’t get a taxi. I _______ (pick you up) after the class.

7 _______ you _______ (see) the new film next week?

8 I _______ (finish) lunch and was having coffee when Tom arrived with an enormous cake.

9 We _______ (stay) with my parents at the moment while we look for a flat.

10 He _______ (play) on his computer since four o’clock.

11 Sorry I’m late. _______ you _______ (wait) long?

12 I _______ (go) to the doctor’s at 4.30. I’ll see you at 5.00.

13 What _______ you _______ (give) James for his birthday last week?

14 _______ you _______ (finish) that book already? That was quick!

15 Paul _______ (have) a shower at the moment. I’ll tell him you called.

3 Underline the correct word(s).

Example: She wants / is wanting to be alone at the moment.

1 She doesn’t need / isn’t needing to do any work this evening.

2 He’s been working with us for / since 2004.

3 You don’t have to / mustn’t pay for museums in the UK as they are free.

4 What time do you go / are you going out tonight?

5 The exam was easier than / as I thought.

6 Do you like / Are you liking going abroad on holiday?

7 I drove my in-laws to the theatre last night so I must / had to clean my car.

8 Have you been having / had that computer for a long time?

9 It was a great holiday. But it wasn’t as / than hot there as it was last year.

10 She writes more / most carefully than her brother does.

11 My mother drives more slowly / slowlier than I do.

12 She can’t / mustn’t be at home. Her car isn’t there.

13 I’ve been knowing / known him for ten years.

14 You shouldn’t / don’t have to eat so much sugar. It isn’t good for you.

15 I’m afraid you can’t / shouldn’t speak to Mrs Sims at the moment. She’s busy.


4 Underline the odd word out.

Example: glass napkin knife eggs

1 frozen boiled roast fried

2 raw prawns spicy fresh

3 beard ponytail height moustache

4 court track pool referee

5 helmet van lorry motorbike

6 sociable charming sensible selfish

7 win play lose draw

8 uncle nephew niece brother

9 text ring tone voice mail manners

10 knife glass spoon fork

5 Complete the sentences with the correct word(s).

Example: I owe my dad £100.

borrow owe invest

1 I’m sorry, I’m busy now. Can I _______ you back later?

leave dial call

2 When I decided to leave my job and travel, my parents thought I was _______.

mad ambitious moody

3 I told my friend what to do and she did the opposite; I was _______.

filthy tiny furious

4 This new company pays me a better _______.

mortgage salary tax

5 They got lost and turned _______ at our house an hour late.

up down on

6 The _______ played very badly on Sunday.

fans referee team

7 He’s a lovely child. He’s so _______.

affectionate moody aggressive

8 Did she apply _______ that job?

of to for

9 They _______ me £10 to park my car at the railway station.

cost saved charged

10 My favourite _______ is chocolate cake and cream.

starter main course dessert

6 Underline the correct word.

Example: The journey took so long; I was really tired / tiring the next day.

1 I have left my mobile phone at home again! It’s so frustrated / frustrating.

2 I find the weather in the winter very depressed / depressing.

3 Have you ever been really disappointed / disappointing by a test result?

4 I am very excited / exciting about my trip to China.

5 Have you ever fallen asleep in front of TV because the film was bored / boring?

7 Write the opposite of the adjective.

1 tidy _______

2 freezing _______

3 responsible _______

4 honest _______

5 tiny _______

8 Complete the words in the sentences.

Example: He’s very clever. He always knows the answers!

1 My new school has a great new football p_______.

2 What’s the speed l_______ on this road?

3 I’m so tired. The f_______ back from the USA was ten hours.

4 Our plane is departing from g_______ 15.

5 I’m sure her hair used to be straight. Now it’s w_______.

6 The age g_______ between my brother and me is six years.

7 I don’t want to cook tonight. Shall we get a t_______?

8 When his grandfather died Tim i_______ his house.

9 You must go to that new restaurant. The food is d_______.

10 I think Anna is on the phone because the line’s e_______.

Progress Test Files 1–3 Answer Key A


1 1 ’s having

2 Have … finished

3 did … give

4 ’m going / ’m going to go

5 ’s been playing

6 ’ll pick you up

7 Are … going to see

8 ’re staying

9 had finished

10 Have … driven

11 Have … been waiting

12 was driving

13 were looking for

14 haven’t been paid

15 Shall … try

2 1 more slowly

2 can’t

3 known

4 can’t

5 had to

6 as

7 shouldn’t

8 had

9 Do you like

10 more

11 doesn’t need

12 since

13 don’t have to

14 are you going

15 than

3 1 should warm

2 must be

3 might / may not

4 able to

5 as expensive

6 ’ve known

7 have to

8 interesting than

9 ought to

getting married

4 1 prawns

2 frozen

3 referee

4 height

5 selfish

6 helmet

7 niece

8 play

9 glass

10 manners

5 1 irresponsible

2 dishonest

3 enormous

4 boiling

5 untidy

6 1 boring

2 disappointed

3 excited

4 depressing

5 frustrating

7 1 engaged

2 pitch

3 inherited

4 flight

5 limit

6 wavy

7 gate

8 gap

9 delicious

10 takeaway

8 1 mad

2 up

3 team

4 for

5 dessert

6 salary

7 furious

8 charged

9 affectionate

10 call


1 1 A

2 B

3 A

4 A

5 B

6 A

7 B

8 A

9 C

10 B

2 1 found out

2 The public

3 accommodation

4 sites

5 trial

Progress Test Files 1–3 Answer Key B


1 1 getting married

2 interesting than

3 able to

4 might / may not

5 ’ve known

6 should warm

7 as expensive

8 have to

9 ought to

10 must be

2 1 Shall … try

2 haven’t been paid

3 were looking for

4 was driving

5 Have … driven

6 ’ll pick you up

7 Are … going to see

8 had finished

9 ’re staying

10 has been playing

11 Have … been waiting

12 ’m going / ’m going to go

13 did … give

14 Have … finished

15 ’s having

3 1 doesn’t need

2 since

3 don’t have to

4 are you going

5 than

6 Do you like

7 had to

8 had

9 as

10 more

11 more slowly

12 can’t

13 known

14 shouldn’t

15 can’t



1 frozen

2 prawns

3 height

4 referee

5 helmet

6 selfish

7 play

8 niece

9 manners

10 glass

5 1 call

2 mad

3 furious

4 salary

5 up

6 team

7 affectionate

8 for

9 charged

10 dessert

6 1 frustrating

2 depressing

3 disappointed

4 excited

5 boring

7 1 untidy

2 boiling

3 irresponsible

4 dishonest

5 enormous

8 1 pitch

2 limit

3 flight

4 gate

5 wavy

6 gap

7 takeaway

8 inherited

9 delicious

10 engaged

Progress Test Files 1–3 A


1 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Example: How many cups of tea do you have (have) every day?

1 Dave _______ (have) a shower at the moment. I’ll tell him you called.

2 _______ you _______ (finish) that book already? That was quick!

3 What _______ you _______ (give) Pete for his birthday last week?

4 I _______ (go) to the doctor’s at 4.30. I’ll see you at 5.00.

5 He _______ (play) on his computer since four o’clock.

6 Don’t get a taxi. I _______ (pick you up) after the class.

7 _______ you _______ (see) the new film next week?

8 We _______ (stay) with my parents at the moment while we look for a flat.

9 I _______ (finish) lunch and was having coffee when Joe arrived with an enormous cake.

10 _______ you ever _______ (drive) a sports car?

11 Sorry I’m late. _______ you _______ (wait) long?

12 Luckily I _______ (drive) quite slowly when a cat ran in front of my car.

13 Tom says you _______ (look for) me 10 minutes ago. I was in a meeting.

14 I _______ (not pay) yet at work. Can you lend me some money?

15 _______ we _______ (try) the new Japanese restaurant in town?

2 Underline the correct word(s).

Example: She wants / is wanting to be alone at the moment.

1 My boyfriend drives more slowly / slowlier than I do.

2 He can’t / mustn’t be at home. His car isn’t there.

3 I’ve been knowing / known her for ten years.

4 I’m afraid you can’t / shouldn’t speak to Mr Franks at the moment. He’s busy.

5 I drove my in-laws to the theatre last night so I must / had to clean my car.

6 It was a great holiday. But it wasn’t as / than hot there as it was last summer.

7 You shouldn’t / don’t have to eat so much salt. It isn’t good for you.

8 Have you been having / had that computer for a long time?

9 Do you like / Are you liking going abroad on holiday?

10 He writes more / most carefully than his sister does.

11 He doesn’t need / isn’t needing to do any work this evening.

12 She’s been working with us for / since 2004.

13 You don’t have to / mustn’t pay for museums in the UK as they are free.

14 What time do you go / are you going out tonight?

15 The exam was easier than / as I thought.

3 Complete the second sentence with two words so that it means the same as the first sentence. Contracted forms, e.g. isn’t, count as one word.

Example: I’m not sure who it is. Perhaps it’s his wife.

I’m not sure who it is. It might be his wife.

1 It’s a good idea to warm up before doing exercise.

You _______ _______ up before doing exercise.

2 He has already asked her to marry him! He must love her.

He has already asked her to marry him! It _______ _______ love.

3 Jim won’t come out with us tonight. Perhaps he doesn’t have any money.

Jim won’t come out with us tonight. I suppose he _______ _______ have any money.

4 Have you got time to finish the work before Friday?

Will you be _______ _______ finish the work before Friday?

5 Going to the theatre is more expensive than going to the cinema.

Going to the cinema isn’t _______ _______ as going to the theatre.

6 We met years ago.

We _______ _______ each other for years.

7 When you drive it is the law to wear your seat belt.

You _______ _______ wear a seat belt when you drive.

8 This book isn’t as interesting as the last one.

This book is less _______ _______ the last one.

9 It’s really cold today; you should wear a hat.

It’s really cold today; you _______ _______ wear a hat.

10 We have booked the church for our wedding in July.

We’re _______ _______ in July.


4 Underline the odd word out.

Example: glass napkin knife eggs

1 raw prawns spicy fresh

2 frozen boiled roast fried

3 court track pool referee

4 beard ponytail height moustache

5 sociable charming sensible selfish

6 helmet van lorry motorbike

7 uncle nephew niece brother

8 win play lose draw

9 knife glass spoon fork

10 text ring tone voice mail manners

5 Write the opposite of the adjective.

Example: lazy hard-working

1 responsible _______

2 honest _______

3 tiny _______

4 freezing _______

5 tidy _______

6 Underline the correct word.

Example: The journey took so long; I was really tired / tiring the next day.

1 Have you ever fallen asleep at the cinema because the film was bored / boring?

2 Have you ever been really disappointed / disappointing by a test result?

3 I am very excited / exciting about my trip to Japan.

4 I find the weather in the winter very depressed / depressing.

I have left my dictionary at home again! It’s so frustrated / frustrating.
7 Complete the words in the sentences.

Example: He’s very clever. He always knows the answers!

1 I think Chris is on the phone because the line’s e_______.

2 My new school has a great new football p_______.

3 When his grandfather died Jeff i_______ his house.

4 I’m so tired. The f_______ back from the USA was ten hours.

5 What’s the speed l_______ on this road?

6 I’m sure her hair used to be straight. Now it’s w_______.

7 Our plane is departing from g_______ 15.

8 The age g_______ between my sister and me is five years.

9 You must go to that new restaurant. The food is d_______.

10 I don’t want to cook tonight. Shall we get a t_______?

8 Complete the sentences with the correct word(s).

Example: I owe my dad £100.

borrow owe invest

1 When I decided to leave my job and travel, my parents thought I was _______.

mad ambitious moody

2 They got lost and turned _______ at our house an hour late.

up down on

3 The _______ played very well on Saturday.

fans referee team

4 Did he apply _______ that job?

of to for

5 My favourite _______ is chocolate cake and cream.

starter main course dessert

6 This new company pays me a better _______.

mortgage salary tax

7 I told my friend what to do and she did the opposite; I was _______.

filthy tiny furious

8 They _______ me £10 to park my car at the railway station.

cost saved charged

9 She’s a lovely child. She’s so _______.

affectionate moody aggressive

10 I’m sorry, I’m busy now. Can I _______ you back later?

leave dial call


1 Read the article and tick (ü) A, B, or C.

Keep it in the family

Wouldn’t it be good to make your own money? Or would it? Well, a family in East London did just that and found out that they had to pay a high price for it! It sounds like a dream – printing millions of £20 and €50 notes. No need to ever go to a bank again! Unfortunately, for this particular family the dream has ended in prison sentences for all of them.

This illegal operation was the biggest that the police have ever seen in the UK. Over 14 million pounds’ worth of fake bank notes have been recovered and they think that this ‘family business’ was producing over 66% of all fake bank notes in the UK. There could be many, many more. Only the family know how many notes are still out there and they’re not going to tell anyone. It was a very large, complicated, and successful business!

The public have become interested in this story because of the family aspect. Four generations of the same family were part of the operation. The ages ranged from 23 to 85 and included grandchildren, parents, grandparents and even a great-grandmother! The great-grandmother, who was 85, lived in special accommodation for older people and the police found £22,000 of notes in a plastic bag on top of her kitchen cupboard, ready to be distributed!

This forgery business was very well organized. It was run like a real business and each person had his / her place. They used very high-tech equipment to print and cut the fake notes and they had 20 different sites to keep the money, such as the great-grandmother’s kitchen. The police watched the operation secretly for over four months before they arrested the gang.

At the trial the judge told the public that they shouldn’t feel sorry for people like this. They are organized criminals and they are stealing from everyone and hurting the economy. However, a lot of people have a secret admiration for the family. Is this a worrying fact or is it human nature? I wonder.

Example: The family had international connections.

A True B False C Doesn’t say ü

1 Some people from the same family have been sent to prison.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

2 The family is from just outside London.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

3 They printed fake notes worth more than 14 million pounds.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

4 More than half the fake money in the UK was made by this family.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

5 The youngest member of the family is a teenager.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

6 The great-grandmother didn’t live with the rest of the family.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

7 The money was all hidden in her house.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

8 The police caught them actually printing the money.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

9 They are all going to prison for the same number of months.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

10 The judge felt sorry for the family.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

2 Match five of the highlighted words / phrases to the definitions.

Example: against the law illegal

1 discovered a fact _______

2 people in general _______

3 a place for somebody to live _______

4 places that are used for something _______

5 the process in a court where a judge decides if somebody is guilty _______


Answer one of the questions and write 75–100 words.

1 Describe an exciting sporting event you have seen or been to.

2 What advice would you give to someone coming to your country on holiday?

What is your favourite way of travelling and why?

1 Make questions and ask your partner.

1 When / last / eat out? What / have?

2 cook? What?

3 think a big or small family / better? Why?

4 Who / you / get on best / family? Why?

5 good idea / families / eat together? Why?

6 How / travel / school (university / work)?

7 Who / favourite sportsperson? Why?

8 How often / use / mobile phone?

9 describe / best friend’s personality?

10 Who / really admire? Why?

Now answer your partner’s questions.

2 Talk about one of the statements below, saying if you agree or disagree. Give reasons.

1 ‘Professional sportspeople earn too much money.’

2 ‘Fast food should never be sold to children.’

3 ‘The driving age for driving a car should be sixteen.’

PROgress Test Files 1–3

1 Complete the second sentence with two words so that it means the same as the first sentence. Contracted forms, e.g. isn’t, count as one word.

Example: I’m not sure who it is. Perhaps it’s his wife.

I’m not sure who it is. It might be his wife.

1 We have booked the church for our wedding in August.

We’re _______ _______ in July.

2 This magazine isn’t as interesting as the last one.

This magazine is less _______ _______ the last one.

3 Have you got time to finish the work before Wednesday?

Will you be _______ _______ finish the work before Wednesday?

4 John won’t come out with us tonight. Perhaps he doesn’t have any money.

John won’t come out with us tonight. I suppose he _______ _______ have any money.

5 We met years ago.

We _______ _______ each other for years.

6 It’s a good idea to warm up before doing exercise.

You _______ _______ up before doing exercise.

7 Going to the theatre is more expensive than going to the cinema.

Going to the cinema isn’t _______ _______ as going to the theatre.

8 When you drive it is the law to wear your seat belt.

You _______ _______ wear a seat belt when you drive.

9 It’s really cold today; you should wear a scarf.

It’s really cold today; you _______ _______ wear a scarf.

10 He has already asked her to marry him! He must love her.

He has already asked her to marry him! It _______ _______ love.

2 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Example: How many cups of tea do you have (have) every day?

1 _______ we _______ (try) the new Japanese restaurant in town?

2 I _______ (not pay) yet at work. Can you lend me some money?

3 Jim says you _______ (look for) me 10 minutes ago. I was in a meeting.

4 Luckily I _______ (drive) quite slowly when a cat ran in front of my car.

5 _______ you ever _______ (drive) a sports car?

6 Don’t get a taxi. I _______ (pick you up) after the class.

7 _______ you _______ (see) the new film next week?

8 I _______ (finish) lunch and was having coffee when Tom arrived with an enormous cake.

9 We _______ (stay) with my parents at the moment while we look for a flat.

10 He _______ (play) on his computer since four o’clock.

11 Sorry I’m late. _______ you _______ (wait) long?

12 I _______ (go) to the doctor’s at 4.30. I’ll see you at 5.00.

13 What _______ you _______ (give) James for his birthday last week?

14 _______ you _______ (finish) that book already? That was quick!

15 Paul _______ (have) a shower at the moment. I’ll tell him you called.

3 Underline the correct word(s).

Example: She wants / is wanting to be alone at the moment.

1 She doesn’t need / isn’t needing to do any work this evening.

2 He’s been working with us for / since 2004.

3 You don’t have to / mustn’t pay for museums in the UK as they are free.

4 What time do you go / are you going out tonight?

5 The exam was easier than / as I thought.

6 Do you like / Are you liking going abroad on holiday?

7 I drove my in-laws to the theatre last night so I must / had to clean my car.

8 Have you been having / had that computer for a long time?

9 It was a great holiday. But it wasn’t as / than hot there as it was last year.

10 She writes more / most carefully than her brother does.

11 My mother drives more slowly / slowlier than I do.

12 She can’t / mustn’t be at home. Her car isn’t there.

13 I’ve been knowing / known him for ten years.

14 You shouldn’t / don’t have to eat so much sugar. It isn’t good for you.

15 I’m afraid you can’t / shouldn’t speak to Mrs Sims at the moment. She’s busy.


4 Underline the odd word out.

Example: glass napkin knife eggs

1 frozen boiled roast fried

2 raw prawns spicy fresh

3 beard ponytail height moustache

4 court track pool referee

5 helmet van lorry motorbike

6 sociable charming sensible selfish

7 win play lose draw

8 uncle nephew niece brother

9 text ring tone voice mail manners

10 knife glass spoon fork

5 Complete the sentences with the correct word(s).

Example: I owe my dad £100.

borrow owe invest

1 I’m sorry, I’m busy now. Can I _______ you back later?

leave dial call

2 When I decided to leave my job and travel, my parents thought I was _______.

mad ambitious moody

3 I told my friend what to do and she did the opposite; I was _______.

filthy tiny furious

4 This new company pays me a better _______.

mortgage salary tax

5 They got lost and turned _______ at our house an hour late.

up down on

6 The _______ played very badly on Sunday.

fans referee team

7 He’s a lovely child. He’s so _______.

affectionate moody aggressive

8 Did she apply _______ that job?

of to for

9 They _______ me £10 to park my car at the railway station.

cost saved charged

My favourite _______ is chocolate cake and cream.
starter main course dessert

6 Underline the correct word.

Example: The journey took so long; I was really tired / tiring the next day.

1 I have left my mobile phone at home again! It’s so frustrated / frustrating.

2 I find the weather in the winter very depressed / depressing.

3 Have you ever been really disappointed / disappointing by a test result?

4 I am very excited / exciting about my trip to China.

5 Have you ever fallen asleep in front of TV because the film was bored / boring?

7 Write the opposite of the adjective.

Example: lazy hard-working

1 tidy _______

2 freezing _______

3 responsible _______

4 honest _______

5 tiny _______

8 Complete the words in the sentences.

Example: He’s very clever. He always knows the answers!

1 My new school has a great new football p_______.

2 What’s the speed l_______ on this road?

3 I’m so tired. The f_______ back from the USA was ten hours.

4 Our plane is departing from g_______ 15.

5 I’m sure her hair used to be straight. Now it’s w_______.

6 The age g_______ between my brother and me is six years.

7 I don’t want to cook tonight. Shall we get a t_______?

8 When his grandfather died Tim i_______ his house.

9 You must go to that new restaurant. The food is d_______.

10 I think Anna is on the phone because the line’s e_______.


9 Underline the stressed syllable.

Example: competitive

1 afford

2 mortgage

3 ambitious

4 pedestrian

5 independent

6 circuit

7 strawberries

8 motorbike

9 responsible

10 referee

10 Match the words with the same sound.

charming inherit journey height injured selfish organized paid team sociable owe

Example: loan owe

1 waste ________

2 jealous ________

3 coach ________

4 dessert ________

5 moustache ________

6 pretty ________

7 cycle ________

8 medium ________

9 sausages ________

10 check-in ________


1 Read the article and tick (ü) A, B, or C.

Keep it in the family

Wouldn’t it be good to make your own money? Or would it? Well, a family in East London did just that and found out that they had to pay a high price for it! It sounds like a dream – printing millions of £20 and €50 notes. No need to ever go to a bank again! Unfortunately, for this particular family the dream has ended in prison sentences for all of them.

This illegal operation was the biggest that the police have ever seen in the UK. Over 14 million pounds’ worth of fake bank notes have been recovered and they think that this ‘family business’ was producing over 66% of all fake bank notes in the UK. There could be many, many more. Only the family know how many notes are still out there and they’re not going to tell anyone. It was a very large, complicated, and successful business!

The public have become interested in this story because of the family aspect. Four generations of the same family were part of the operation. The ages ranged from 23 to 85 and included grandchildren, parents, grandparents and even a great-grandmother! The great-grandmother, who was 85, lived in special accommodation for older people and the police found £22,000 of notes in a plastic bag on top of her kitchen cupboard, ready to be distributed!

This forgery business was very well organized. It was run like a real business and each person had his / her place. They used very high-tech equipment to print and cut the fake notes and they had 20 different sites to keep the money, such as the great-grandmother’s kitchen. The police watched the operation secretly for over four months before they arrested the gang.

At the trial the judge told the public that they shouldn’t feel sorry for people like this. They are organized criminals and they are stealing from everyone and hurting the economy. However, a lot of people have a secret admiration for the family. Is this a worrying fact or is it human nature? I wonder.

Example: The family had international connections.

A True B False C Doesn’t say ü

1 The writer thinks everyone would like to print their own money.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

2 The business printed notes in different currencies.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

3 The family stole millions from a bank.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

4 The police have never seen such a big operation before.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

5 They are not sure how many of the fake notes are still being used.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

6 The great-grandmother is in her late eighties.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

7 The family made their own equipment.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

8 They hid the money in many different places.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

9 They knew the police were watching them.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

10 The writer admires the family.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

2 Match five of the highlighted words / phrases to the definitions.

Example: against the law illegal

1 something that seems to be real but is not _______

2 varied between two amounts, including all those between them _______

3 organized _______

4 an organized group of criminals _______

5 the crime of illegally copying something _______


Answer one of the questions and write 75–100 words.

1 Describe an exciting family party you have been to.

2 What advice would you give to someone moving to your country?

3 What do you like or dislike about public transport?


1 Answer your partner’s questions.

Now make questions and ask your partner.

1 What / perfect meal / for you?

2 ever eat anything / unhealthy?

3 you similar / father or mother?

4 How long / journey here today?

5 What sport / enjoy / watch?

6 What / longest journey / ever / go on?

7 What sport / want to learn? Why?

8 How often / change hairstyle or colour?

9 often / use / mobile phone in public?

10 people / healthier lives / today? Why (not)?

3 Talk about one of the statements below, saying if you agree or disagree. Give reasons.

1 ‘Children should only be allowed to eat healthy food at school.’

2 ‘All city centres should be for pedestrians only.’

3 ‘Nobody can enjoy doing a job that is badly paid.’


1 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Example: How many cups of tea do you have (have) every day?

1 Dave _______ (have) a shower at the moment. I’ll tell him you called.

2 _______ you _______ (finish) that book already? That was quick!

3 What _______ you _______ (give) Pete for his birthday last week?

4 I _______ (go) to the doctor’s at 4.30. I’ll see you at 5.00.

5 He _______ (play) on his computer since four o’clock.

6 Don’t get a taxi. I _______ (pick you up) after the class.

7 _______ you _______ (see) the new film next week?

8 We _______ (stay) with my parents at the moment while we look for a flat.

9 I _______ (finish) lunch and was having coffee when Joe arrived with an enormous cake.

10 _______ you ever _______ (drive) a sports car?

11 Sorry I’m late. _______ you _______ (wait) long?

12 Luckily I _______ (drive) quite slowly when a cat ran in front of my car.

13 Tom says you _______ (look for) me 10 minutes ago. I was in a meeting.

14 I _______ (not pay) yet at work. Can you lend me some money?

15 _______ we _______ (try) the new Japanese restaurant in town?

2 Underline the correct word(s).

Example: She wants / is wanting to be alone at the moment.

1 My boyfriend drives more slowly / slowlier than I do.

2 He can’t / mustn’t be at home. His car isn’t there.

3 I’ve been knowing / known her for ten years.

4 I’m afraid you can’t / shouldn’t speak to Mr Franks at the moment. He’s busy.

5 I drove my in-laws to the theatre last night so I must / had to clean my car.

6 It was a great holiday. But it wasn’t as / than hot there as it was last summer.

7 You shouldn’t / don’t have to eat so much salt. It isn’t good for you.

8 Have you been having / had that computer for a long time?

9 Do you like / Are you liking going abroad on holiday?

10 He writes more / most carefully than his sister does.

11 He doesn’t need / isn’t needing to do any work this evening.

12 She’s been working with us for / since 2004.

13 You don’t have to / mustn’t pay for museums in the UK as they are free.

14 What time do you go / are you going out tonight?

15 The exam was easier than / as I thought.

3 Complete the second sentence with two words so that it means the same as the first sentence. Contracted forms, e.g. isn’t, count as one word.

Example: I’m not sure who it is. Perhaps it’s his wife.

I’m not sure who it is. It might be his wife.

1 It’s a good idea to warm up before doing exercise.

You _______ _______ up before doing exercise.

2 He has already asked her to marry him! He must love her.

He has already asked her to marry him! It _______ _______ love.

3 Jim won’t come out with us tonight. Perhaps he doesn’t have any money.

Jim won’t come out with us tonight. I suppose he _______ _______ have any money.

4 Have you got time to finish the work before Friday?

Will you be _______ _______ finish the work before Friday?

5 Going to the theatre is more expensive than going to the cinema.

Going to the cinema isn’t _______ _______ as going to the theatre.

6 We met years ago.

We _______ _______ each other for years.

7 When you drive it is the law to wear your seat belt.

You _______ _______ wear a seat belt when you drive.

8 This book isn’t as interesting as the last one.

This book is less _______ _______ the last one.

9 It’s really cold today; you should wear a hat.

It’s really cold today; you _______ _______ wear a hat.

10 We have booked the church for our wedding in July.

We’re _______ _______ in July.


4 Underline the odd word out.

Example: glass napkin knife eggs

1 raw prawns spicy fresh

2 frozen boiled roast fried

3 court track pool referee

4 beard ponytail height moustache

5 sociable charming sensible selfish

6 helmet van lorry motorbike

7 uncle nephew niece brother

8 win play lose draw

9 knife glass spoon fork

10 text ring tone voice mail manners

5 Write the opposite of the adjective.

1 responsible _______

2 honest _______

3 tiny _______

4 freezing _______

5 tidy _______

6 Underline the correct word.

Example: The journey took so long; I was really tired / tiring the next day.

1 Have you ever fallen asleep at the cinema because the film was bored / boring?

2 Have you ever been really disappointed / disappointing by a test result?

3 I am very excited / exciting about my trip to Japan.

4 I find the weather in the winter very depressed / depressing.

5 I have left my dictionary at home again! It’s so frustrated / frustrating.

7 Complete the words in the sentences.

Example: He’s very clever. He always knows the answers!

1 I think Chris is on the phone because the line’s e_______.

2 My new school has a great new football p_______.

3 When his grandfather died Jeff i_______ his house.

4 I’m so tired. The f_______ back from the USA was ten hours.

5 What’s the speed l_______ on this road?

6 I’m sure her hair used to be straight. Now it’s w_______.

7 Our plane is departing from g_______ 15.

8 The age g_______ between my sister and me is five years.

9 You must go to that new restaurant. The food is d_______.

10 I don’t want to cook tonight. Shall we get a t_______?

8 Complete the sentences with the correct word(s).

Example: I owe my dad £100.

borrow owe invest

1 When I decided to leave my job and travel, my parents thought I was _______.

mad ambitious moody

2 They got lost and turned _______ at our house an hour late.

up down on

3 The _______ played very well on Saturday.

fans referee team

4 Did he apply _______ that job?

of to for

5 My favourite _______ is chocolate cake and cream.

starter main course dessert

6 This new company pays me a better _______.

mortgage salary tax

7 I told my friend what to do and she did the opposite; I was _______.

filthy tiny furious

8 They _______ me £10 to park my car at the railway station.

cost saved charged

9 She’s a lovely child. She’s so _______.

affectionate moody aggressive

10 I’m sorry, I’m busy now. Can I _______ you back later?

leave dial call


1 Read the article and tick (ü) A, B, or C.

Keep it in the family

Wouldn’t it be good to make your own money? Or would it? Well, a family in East London did just that and found out that they had to pay a high price for it! It sounds like a dream – printing millions of £20 and €50 notes. No need to ever go to a bank again! Unfortunately, for this particular family the dream has ended in prison sentences for all of them.

This illegal operation was the biggest that the police have ever seen in the UK. Over 14 million pounds’ worth of fake bank notes have been recovered and they think that this ‘family business’ was producing over 66% of all fake bank notes in the UK. There could be many, many more. Only the family know how many notes are still out there and they’re not going to tell anyone. It was a very large, complicated, and successful business!

The public have become interested in this story because of the family aspect. Four generations of the same family were part of the operation. The ages ranged from 23 to 85 and included grandchildren, parents, grandparents and even a great-grandmother! The great-grandmother, who was 85, lived in special accommodation for older people and the police found £22,000 of notes in a plastic bag on top of her kitchen cupboard, ready to be distributed!

This forgery business was very well organized. It was run like a real business and each person had his / her place. They used very high-tech equipment to print and cut the fake notes and they had 20 different sites to keep the money, such as the great-grandmother’s kitchen. The police watched the operation secretly for over four months before they arrested the gang.

At the trial the judge told the public that they shouldn’t feel sorry for people like this. They are organized criminals and they are stealing from everyone and hurting the economy. However, a lot of people have a secret admiration for the family. Is this a worrying fact or is it human nature? I wonder.

1 Some people from the same family have been sent to prison.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

2 The family is from just outside London.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

3 They printed fake notes worth more than 14 million pounds.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

4 More than half the fake money in the UK was made by this family.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

5 The youngest member of the family is a teenager.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

6 The great-grandmother didn’t live with the rest of the family.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

7 The money was all hidden in her house.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

8 The police caught them actually printing the money.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

9 They are all going to prison for the same number of months.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

10 The judge felt sorry for the family.

A True B False C Doesn’t say

2 Match five of the highlighted words / phrases to the definitions.

1 discovered a fact _______

2 people in general _______

3 a place for somebody to live _______

4 places that are used for something _______

5 the process in a court where a judge decides if somebody is guilty _______


1 Underline the correct word(s).

Example: How old you are / are you?

1 Kelly always gets up / gets always up at six.

2 When do you / you do go shopping?

3 Can I have / to have a drink, please?

4 Susan walks sometimes / sometimes walks in the mountains.

5 What sports she likes / does she like?

6 Jack never does / doesn’t never housework.

7 A When / How do you go to the cinema?

B On Saturday evenings.

8 He doesn’t can / can’t come to the cinema tonight.

2 Order the words to make questions.

1 live where she does ?


2 they what like music do ?


3 is where he ?


4 her what sister do does ?


5 I here can sit ?


6 gym to do the go you ?


7 TV sometimes he does watch ?



3 Write the verb that goes with all the words.

Example: a teacher at home hot be

1 lunch a shower breakfast ________

2 sport exercise housework ________

3 the piano tennis computer games ________

4 to the cinema to the beach to the gym ________

5 a menu an email a magazine ________

4 Complete the typical day with words from the two boxes.

get finish go go start have have have

up work work to bed home breakfast dinner lunch

7 a.m. get up

7.15 a.m. have a shower

7.45 a.m. 1 ________

8.15 a.m. go to work

9 a.m. 2 ________

11 a.m. have a coffee

1 a.m. 3 ________

2 p.m.–5 p.m. meet customers

5.30 p.m. 4 ________

5.40 p.m. 5 ________

6.30 p.m. do the shopping

7 p.m. 6 ________

8 p.m. watch TV

11 p.m. 7 ________

5 Complete the sentences with the correct word.

Example: I usually get up at seven in the morning.

go get do

1 We always ________ out on Saturday night.

go do have

2 Can you ________ my photo, please?

make take do

3 I’m sorry. You can’t ________ by credit card.

do have pay

4 I can’t ________ the Internet at work.

play have use

5 In Spain, it’s usually hot and light outside in the ________.

summer winter night

6 You can’t ________ your mobile phone in the school.

play use do

7 I sometimes ________ 100 emails in a day.

send go play

8 Do you ________ a lot of exercise?

play make do


8 Complete the dialogue with the phrases from the box.

Can I help you? How much is the sandwich? Can I pay by credit card?
Can I have a cheese sandwich? Five pounds. Here you are.

Barman Can I help you?

Customer Yes. 1 ________ Oh, and two coffees, please.

Barman Sure… Just a minute. OK. 2 ________

Customer Thanks. 3 ________

Barman Three pounds ninety-five.

Customer And the coffees? How much are they?

Barman Er… 4 ________

Customer OK. I have no money. 5 ________

Barman Sure. That’s eight pounds ninety-five, please.


1 Read the blog and tick (ü) True or False.

A different life

Sara Huntingdon works for a children’s organisation in Africa. Every day, she writes her blog for an online news website.

Wednesday 25th

Every morning, I get up at six o’clock and go to the refugee camp. 1,000 families live there. They don’t have much food or water.

I sometimes work in the children’s centre. It is in a big, old house near the camp and it is open to small children. They are four, five, or six years old. When I open the door in the morning, it’s usually hot inside. I prepare lessons and games then I always have coffee and bread for breakfast.

When the children arrive at half past seven, they go into the house and meet their friends. They talk and relax and play games. They like games! Then we start school at quarter past eight. I teach English and art, and I sometimes teach maths. They can speak English well but they can’t write in English. I always answer the children’s questions. They usually want to hear about my life in England – and about my boyfriend! I cook some food and they eat it before they go home. Every day at the children’s centre is a fantastic experience for the children and for their teacher.

At half past eleven in the morning, the children go home. For four hours every day, the children don’t think about their problems. And that’s very important.

1 Sara works in India.

True False

2 Sara goes to the refugee camp every day.

True False

3 The children’s centre is in a new house.

True False

4 The children’s centre is big and hot.

True False

5 Sara has the same breakfast every day.

True False

6 Sara never teaches maths at the centre.

True False

7 The children can speak English.

True False

8 The children don’t talk to their teacher.

True False

9 Sara doesn’t like her job as a teacher.

True False

10 The children go home in the morning.

True False

2 Read the blog again and complete the sentences with numbers and times.

1 Sara’s day starts at ________ when she gets up.

2 The children at the children’s centre are from four to ________ years old.

3 Lessons start at ________.

4 The children go home at ________.

5 They are at school for ________ hours every day.


1 Underline the correct past simple form.

1 Was he / Were he late?

2 Where were you / you were last weekend?

3 Danny don’t like / didn’t like the film.

4 Had you / Did you have dinner in a nice restaurant?

5 We came / come back home late yesterday evening.

6 Jenny didn’t studied / didn’t study Business at university.

7 What time did you went / did you go to the supermarket?

2 Complete the email with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Hi Stephanie

Paula and I had (have) a great time in Torquay last weekend. 1 ________
I ________ (tell) you about it? Well, we 2 ________ (go) to Torquay by bus on Saturday morning. We 3 ________ (not go) by train because it

4 ________ (be) very expensive. We 5 ________ (stay) with Paula’s friends in their house near the beach. We 6 ________ (not have) dinner with Paula’s friends because we 7 ________ (want) to eat on the beach. It was great. What 8 ________ you ________ (do) last weekend?


Andy x


3 Complete the description with in, at or on.

Mike lives in a big house 1 ________ Oxford. He usually works 2 ________ home. Yesterday morning, he phoned his friends. Nick was 3 ________ a bus, Fiona was
4 ________ her car, Helen was 5 ________ a meeting, and Alison was 6 ________ bed.

4 Complete the sentences with the correct past simple form of the verb in brackets.

Example: Sheila came back early from her holiday yesterday. (come)

1 Tom ________ a coffee and a cake in the café. (buy)

2 Jane ________ to Edinburgh in her new car. (drive)

3 Harry and Jill ________ the Internet to buy theatre tickets. (use)

4 Joe ________ the new James Bond film last night. (see)

5 Simon ________ a terrible noise. (hear)

6 Jenny ________ her homework yesterday evening. (do)

7 I ________ in a restaurant from 2001 to 2007. (work)

8 Rory ________ a lot of photos on holiday. (take)

5 Complete the sentences with the correct word or phrase.

Example: At midnight, Sue went to bed.

bed to bed the bed

1 At half past three, Peter was at ________.

work gym café

2 We went out last ________.

afternoon yesterday Sunday

3 She went on a trip ________.

to Athens at Athens on Athens

4 Carl paid for the meal by ________.

credit card money lunch

5 We watched TV yesterday ________.

night day morning

6 I saw Jack and Lucy on ________.

the bus the car the airport


8 Look at the dates in Tony’s diary. Then complete Tony’s email with the correct month or ordinal number.

Diary – special occasions

3 / 02 Sally’s birthday party

18 / 04 Holiday to Greece

2 / 06 Pete and Siena’s wedding

20 / 08 Jake’s birthday party

12 / 09 Start new job

25 / 12 Christmas party at mum and dad’s

Hi everybody

Last year was a great year for me. The highlights? Well, Sally had a great birthday party on the third of February and I went on holiday to Greece on the 1 ________ of April. On the 2 ________ of June I had a wonderful time at Pete and Siena’s wedding, and Jake’s birthday party on the twentieth of 3 ________ was great. On the

4 ________ of September I started a new job, and, of course, the Christmas party at my parents’ house on the 5 ________ of December was good, too.




1 Read the text and choose the correct number or date to complete the sentences.

A man on the moon

On the twenty-first of July 1969 American astronaut Neil Armstrong opened the door of the lunar module, the Eagle, and walked outside. He was on the moon. He was the first man in history to walk on the moon. It was a fantastic moment.

A few minutes later, Buzz Aldrin was the second man on the moon. Armstrong and Aldrin then took photos and made a film of their short time on the moon. They also collected information and spoke to the American president, Richard Nixon, on the phone. Nixon said it was a ‘historic phone call’. They placed an American flag there and left.

The twenty-first of July 1969 was a very important and exciting day. On earth, a lot of people listened to their radios all day because they wanted to hear the news about the men on the moon. And everybody in the world watched the news to see the first pictures of the men on the moon. Was it true? Was it real? People didn’t believe what they saw. And today, people over 50 can remember where they were when Armstrong walked on the moon.

In November 1969, the Americans went on a second trip to the moon and everybody watched. In the 1970s, astronauts went on five more trips. But after that, the American government decided that they didn’t want to spend millions and millions of dollars on trips to the moon. The last man on the moon was there in 1972.

1 Armstrong first walked on the moon on the ________ of July.

A 21st B 22nd C 23rd

2 Only ________ walked on the moon on that first trip.

A one man B two men C three men

3 In 1969, the Americans made ________ to the moon.

A one trip B two trips C three trips

4 Before they stopped trips to the moon, the Americans made ________trips in total.

A three B five C seven

5 The last trip to the moon was in ________.

A 1970 B 1971 C 1972

2 Read the text again and tick (ü) True or False.

1 Armstrong walked on the moon before Aldrin.

True False

2 Aldrin took photos when he was on the moon.

True False

3 Armstrong and Aldrin were on the moon for a long time.

True False

4 Armstrong and Aldrin didn’t speak when they were on the moon.

True False

5 The astronauts left a flag on the moon.

True False

6 At first, news of the men on the moon wasn’t on the radio.

True False

7 TV stations didn’t have pictures of the first walk on the moon.

True False

8 Today, people don’t remember the first walk on the moon.

True False

9 People were not very interested in the second trip to the moon.

True False

10 The American government stopped trips because they were expensive.

True False


1 Underline the correct word.

Example: There was / were forty people in the hotel.

1 There aren’t some / any books in Sonia’s living room.

2 We met they / them at seven.

3 Oh, yes, I know Jack. I met him / her when he was at university.

4 Are there some / any pictures on the wall?

5 There is / are a wonderful view of the mountains from here.

6 What time did she tell we / us to be at the restaurant?

7 Is there a / some café near here?

Complete the questions with pronouns.
1 A Do you like ________?

B Yes, I do. She’s very nice.

2 A When did Paul meet ________?

B Last month. Paul was in a café when they walked in.

3 A We’re lost. Can you help ________?

B Of course.

4 A Sam gave ________ his grandmother’s ring.

B Really? Lucky you!

3 Complete the hotel description with a, some, or any.

Hotel Royal

The Hotel Royal is a beautiful hotel in the city centre. There is a conference centre at the hotel and there are 1 ________ rooms with a view of the cathedral. There are 2 ________ large double rooms but there aren’t 3 ________ family rooms. There is also 4 ________ car park. It is highly recommended.


4 Match the places in the box to what the people want to do.

museum swimming pool airport supermarket chemist’s bank lift hotel

1 David wants to fly to New York. ________

2 Sheila wants to swim. ________

3 Sue wants a room with a TV and shower. ________

4 Harry is ill and wants to buy aspirins and medicine. ________

5 Joe wants some money. ________

6 Louise wants to buy fish, meat, vegetables, and fruit. ________

7 Dan wants to see old, interesting things. ________

8 Felicity wants to go to the sixth floor. ________

5 Complete the diary with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets.

Sunday 9th June

It was (be) a very nice weekend! Paul and I 1 ________ (rent) a car and we
2 ________ (drive) to the beach. On Saturday night, we 3 ________ (have) dinner in a brilliant restaurant and we 4 ________ (stay) in an expensive hotel. On Sunday morning, we 5 ________ (go) to the beach. Paul 6 ________ (buy) postcards and I
7 ________ (take) a lot of photos with my mobile phone. Then I 8 ________ (send) the photos to my friends. At 6.00, we 9 ________ (leave) the beach. When we
10 ________ (get) home, Paul 11 ________ (give) me a present and 12 ________

(say) he loved me. What a great weekend!


8 Underline the correct word to complete the dialogue.

Sue What’s the last film you saw?

Jim It was Remember Me.

Sue Remember Me? What did you think of / at it?

Jim Oh, I 1 very / really didn’t like 2 her / it. The film was 3 fantastic / awful.

Sue Oh dear. Who was in it?

Jim Tom Dillon.

Sue Tom Dillon? Oh, I like 4 him / it. He’s 5 terrible / great!


1 Read the text and complete the sentences with the correct number.

A fantastic hotel

Last summer, my wife and I went to Las Vegas for a week. We stayed with our friends, Jimmy and Diane, for the first five days, but we stayed at a very special hotel on the Saturday and Sunday nights at the end of our holiday. We booked a suite at the Venetian Resort Hotel on the Las Vegas strip. The Venetian is modern, luxurious, and very big! There are 7,000 rooms and suites in the hotel, and in our suite there were three TVs – one in the bedroom, one in the living room, and one in the bathroom.

You can find everything at the Venetian. It’s a small town! There is a casino in the hotel and there are 17 restaurants. On our first night there we ate at the Bouchon restaurant. It was fantastic – but very expensive! We didn’t go to the casino on Saturday night because we didn’t have any money after we had dinner!

The hotel is really brilliant! There is a small lake near the entrance, and on the fourth floor there are three swimming pools and a spa. We didn’t go swimming but my wife loved the spa. On the second floor, there is a big shopping centre with canals and gondolas. We went on a gondola. I thought I was in Venice!

There are a lot of things to do at the Venetian. You can visit a Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum with statues of famous Hollywood actors. Or you can go to the fantastic nightclub or to one of the theatres. There are three of them! We weren’t interested in visiting the wax museum and we didn’t go dancing, but on Sunday evening we saw a great show at the Blue Man Theatre, and we went to an art exhibition at the hotel’s art gallery.

1 In a suite at the Venetian hotel, there are ________ TVs.

2 There are ________ restaurants in the hotel.

3 There is a spa on the ________ floor.

4 You can go on a gondola on the ________ floor.

5 There are ________ theatres in the hotel.

2 Read the text again and tick (ü) True or False.

1 The writer travelled to Las Vegas with his friends, Jimmy and Diane.

True False

2 The writer spent a week in the city of Las Vegas.

True False

3 The writer stayed at the Venetian Resort hotel for five nights.

True False

4 The writer had dinner in a restaurant at the hotel.

True False

5 The writer went to the hotel’s casino on Saturday.

True False

6 The writer swam in the hotel pool.

True False

7 The writer’s wife went to the spa.

True False

8 The writer met famous Hollywood actors in the hotel.

True False

9 The writer went to the nightclub in the hotel.

True False

10 The writer went to the theatre with his wife.

True False


1 1 always gets up

2 do you

3 have

4 sometimes walks

5 does she like

6 never does

7 When

8 can’t

2 1 Where does she live?

2 What music do they like?

3 Where is he?

4 What does her sister do?

5 Can I sit here?

6 Do you go to the gym?

7 Does he sometimes watch TV?


3 1 have

2 do

3 play

4 go

5 read

4 1 have breakfast

2 start work

3 have lunch

4 finish work

5 go home

6 have dinner

7 go to bed

5 1 go

2 take

3 pay

4 use

5 summer

6 use

7 send

8 do


8 1 Can I have a cheese sandwich?

2 Here you are

3 How much is the sandwich?

4 Five pounds

5 Can I pay by credit card?


1 1 F

2 T

3 F

4 T

5 T

6 F

7 T

8 F

9 F

10 T

2 1 six (o’clock)

2 six

3 quarter past eight

4 half past eleven

5 four


1 1 Was he

2 were you

3 didn’t like

4 Did you have

5 came

6 didn’t study

7 did you go

2 1 Did, tell

2 went

3 didn’t go

4 was

5 stayed

6 didn’t have

7 wanted

8 did, do


3 1 in

2 at

3 on

4 in

5 in

6 in

4 1 bought

2 drove

3 used

4 saw

5 heard

6 did

7 worked

8 took

5 1 work

2 Sunday

3 to Athens

4 credit card

5 morning

6 the bus


8 1 eighteenth

2 second

3 August

4 twelfth

5 twenty-fifth


1 1 A

2 B

3 B

4 C

5 C

2 1 True

2 True

3 False

4 False

5 True

6 False

7 False

8 False

9 False

10 True


1 1 any

2 them

3 him

4 any

5 is

6 us

7 a

2 1 her

2 them

3 us

4 me

3 1 some

2 some

3 any

4 a


4 1 airport

2 swimming pool

3 hotel

4 chemist’s

5 bank

6 supermarket

7 museum

8 lift

5 1 rented

2 drove

3 had

4 stayed

5 went

6 bought

7 took

8 sent

9 left

10 got

11 gave

12 said


8 1 really

2 it

3 awful

4 him

5 great


1 1 three

2 seventeen

3 fourth

4 second

5 three

2 1 F

2 T

3 F

4 T

5 F

6 F

7 T

8 F

9 F

10 T


1 Underline the correct word(s) in each sentence.

1 Where they are / are they / they’re from?

2 A Is she American?

B No, she not / she isn’t / is not.

3 A What are your children’s names?

B Their / Our / Your names are Mark and Jenny.

4 I have a sister. His / Her / She name is Harriet.

5 Where is Jack / Jacks / Jack’s father?

6 They are very expensives / expensivs / expensive watches.

7 It’s a nice bag / a bag nice / nice bag.

8 He’s old man / a old man / an old man.

9 Do / Is / Does she like tea?

10 Mark and Jane teach / teachs / teaches German at school.

11 Anne doesn’t / don’t / do not eat meat.

12 Where they work / work they / do they work?

13 He has / have / haves pasta for lunch.

14 I drink never wine / never drink wine / drink wine never.

15 Alex studys / studyes / studies Italian at home.

16 You can / Can you / Can you to play football tomorrow?

2 Complete the questions or answers with the correct auxiliary verb.

1 A Where _______ they?

B They’re at the party.

2 A _______ Carol drink coffee?

B I don’t know.

3 A What time _______ they get up?

B At half past seven!

4 A Can we park here?

B Yes, you _______.

5 A _______ Peter from Australia?

B Yes, he’s Australian.

6 A What _______ people do in the winter in your country?

B They often go skiing.

7 A Are you cold?

B Yes, I _______.

3 Complete the sentences with one word.

1 Peter _______ on holiday.

2 Jane and I come from New York. _______ are American.

3 Paul isn’t Spanish. He _______ come from Spain.

4 A Do they live in Italy?

B No, they _______.

5 I have two sisters. _______ names are Sheila and Penny.

6 I live in _______ old house.

7 A Are your parents at work?

B No, they _______.


4 Complete the sentences with the correct word.

1 Ana is from _______.

Spanish Mexican Brazil

2 Joe and Susie have three _______.

child childs children

3 The opposite of slow is _______.

fast short cheap

4 My grandmother is ________ years old.

seven-sixty sixty-seven six-seventy

5 Mrs Jones has two children – a son and a _______.

daughter sister wife

6 I always _______ coffee in the morning.

eat cook drink

7 At the weekend – on Saturday and _______ – I always get up late.

Thursday Monday Sunday

8 Jenny is _______ – she works in an office.

a teacher an administrator a doctor

9 In the morning, I always _______ the radio.

watch read listen to

10 What _______ is it?

time hour clock

11 Nurses usually work in _______.

hotels schools hospitals

12 Jerry doesn’t _______ Portuguese.

speak live make

13 I go _______ work by bus.

to at on

14 In the evening, I watch _______.

magazines television gym

15 In the winter, in the north, it’s often very _______.

hot cold tired

16 I’m _______. Can I open the window?

cold light hot

5 Complete the description with the correct verbs.

On Sunday mornings, I don’t work, so I 1 ________ up late. I 2 ________ a shower. I usually 3 ________ eggs and coffee for breakfast, then I 4 ________ the newspaper. After lunch, I 5 ________ tennis or I 6 ________ to the gym. Then I 7 ________ the housework. In the evening, I 8 ________ TV or I 9 ________ the radio, or sometimes I 10 ________ to the cinema.

6 Complete the dialogues with question words and prepositions from the boxes.

What Where Who How When What When

in at in at on from in

1 A _______ do you live?

B In London. But I go to my parents’ house _______ the weekend.

2 A _______ time do you get up?

B _______ eight o’clock.

3 A _______ old are you?

B I’m 22 _______ Thursday.

4 A _______ do you do?

B I’m a policeman. I work _______ the morning.

5 A _______ is that?

B It’s my sister’s husband. He comes _______ England.

6 A _______ do you watch TV?

B _______ the evening.

7 A _______ do you go on holiday?

B _______ the summer.


Match the answers a–k to sentences 1–10.
Example: How old are you c

1 How are you? ________

2 What time is it? ________

3 Have a nice day. ________

4 What’s your address? ________

5 What’s your phone number? ________

6 Thank you very much. ________

7 I’m really sorry. ________

8 Here you are. ________

9 How much is it? ________

10 Can I open the window? ________

a Thanks. You too.

b It’s half past two.

c I’m twenty-three.

d Yes, of course.

e You’re welcome.

f It’s four pounds eighty.

g I’m fine, thanks.

h It’s 29 Cross Street.

i That’s OK – don’t worry.

j It’s 0785-400-461.

k Thanks. What is it?


1 Read the text and answer the questions.

A day in the life of a postman

Peter Simpson is a postman. He comes from London but now he lives and works in Bristol, a big city in the south-west of England.

Today, on the World News Web, we ask Peter about his life and his job.

How do you start a typical working day, Peter?

Well, I get up at half past three in the morning,’ says Peter. ‘I have breakfast and a shower. I eat eggs and I always drink a lot of coffee before I start work. It’s dark outside and it isn’t easy to get up when it’s so early and so dark. Then I walk to the delivery office. It’s about 20 minutes from my house.

What do you do at the delivery office?

I work with ten other postmen. We work for four hours putting letters into bags. It isn’t difficult to do but we work very fast.

Then what do you do?

At about 8.30, I take my big bag of letters and walk outside. On a typical day, I deliver letters to 600 addresses.

Do you like your job?

Yes. Well, usually. I don’t like it when it rains. And I don’t like working on Saturday morning when everybody is in bed. But I meet a lot of people. Old people are very friendly and I always speak to them. Some old people don’t speak to many people in a day so I think it’s important to say hello and be friendly. And after lunch I’m free. I don’t work in the afternoon, so I can go shopping or go cycling when other people are at work. And that’s great!

1 What time does Peter get up? _______

2 Where does Peter live? _______

3 What does Peter eat and drink for breakfast? _______

4 Who does Peter work with? _______

5 What time does Peter leave the office to start his walk? _______

6 Does Peter like working on Saturday? _______

7 What does Peter do in the afternoon? _______

2 Read the text again and tick (ü) True or False.

1 Peter lives in the north of England.

True False

2 Peter doesn’t have a shower in the morning.

True False

3 Peter thinks it’s difficult to get up in the morning.

True False

4 Peter goes to the office in his car.

True False

5 Peter lives 20 minutes from the delivery office.

True False

6 Peter works in the office for five hours every morning.

True False

7 Peter often delivers letters to six hundred houses in a day.

True False

8 Peter doesn’t meet many old people in his job.

True False


1 1 are they

2 she isn’t

3 Their

4 Her

5 Jack’s

6 expensive

7 a nice bag

8 an old man

9 Does

10 teach

11 doesn’t

12 do they work

13 has

14 never drink wine

15 studies

16 Can you

2 1 are

2 Does

3 do

4 can

5 Is

6 do

7 am

3 1 is

2 We

3 doesn’t

4 don’t

5 Their

6 an

7 aren’t


4 1 Brazil

2 children

3 fast

4 sixty-seven

5 daughter

6 drink

7 Sunday

8 an administrator

9 listen to

10 time

11 hospitals

12 speak

13 to

14 television

15 cold

16 hot

5 1 get

2 have / take

3 have

4 read

5 play

6 go

7 do

8 watch

9 listen to

10 go

6 1 Where, at

2 What, at

3 How, on

4 What, in

5 Who, from

6 When, in

7 When, in


9 1 g

2 b

3 a

4 h

5 j

6 e

7 i

8 k

9 f

10 d


1 1 (At) half past three.

2 In Bristol.

3 Eggs and coffee.

4 With ten postmen.

5 At about 8.30.

6 No, he doesn’t.

7 He goes shopping or cycling.

2 1 False

2 False

3 True

4 False

5 True

6 False

7 True

8 True


1 1 a

2 it

3 ’s

4 there

5 some

6 some

7 Are

8 any

9 any

10 there

11 an

12 it

2 1 studied

2 had

3 went

4 cried

5 were

6 started

7 stopped

3 1 are you going to watch

2 did you arrive

3 did you meet

4 are you going to drive

5 do you like watching

4 1 her

2 it

3 me

4 him

5 them

6 us


5 1 leave

2 lose

3 teach

4 get

5 hear

6 start

6 1 play

2 take

3 pay

4 drive

5 come

6 use

7 change

8 buy

9 rent

10 stay

11 come back

12 think

7 1 tomorrow

2 eighth

3 August

4 twelfth

5 next month

6 the third of May

8 1 in

2 in

3 at

4 in

5 on

6 in

7 on

8 in

9 in

9 1 in a restaurant

2 on a bed

3 in a bathroom

4 a lift

5 a TV

6 a gift shop

7 a museum


12 1 g

2 j

3 f

4 c

5 a

6 k

7 d

8 e

9 h

10 b


1 1 Portsmouth (in the south of England)

2 an engineer

3 English and French

4 Brunel’s father married an English woman.

5 the Great Western Railway Company

6 He wasn’t a good businessman and he built a very expensive boat.

7 53

2 1 False

2 True

3 True

4 False

5 True

6 True

7 True

8 False


1 Complete the dialogue with words from the box. You can use the words more than once.

there’s are it a some any an

Dan Do you live in a town or 1 _______ village, Maya?

Maya Oh, 2 ________’s a small town.

Dan Can you tell me about it?

Maya Sure. Well, in my town, there 3 _________ a big supermarket and

4 _________ are 5 ________ other small shops. And there are
6 ________ restaurants.

Dan 7 ________ there 8 ________ famous buildings in your town?

Maya Well, no. There aren’t 9 ________ famous buildings, but 10 ________

is 11 ________ old hospital – 12 ________ isn’t famous but I like it.

2 Complete the sentences with the past simple of the verbs in brackets.

1 I ________ (study) history at university.

2 Joe ________ (have) eggs for breakfast this morning.

3 Sally ________ (go) to the gym yesterday evening.

4 Jack ________ (cry) because the film was very sad.

5 There ________ (be) ten people in the restaurant.

6 The film ________ (start) at eight o’clock.

7 They ________ (stop) work at six.

3 Complete the questions. Use the same verbs as in the answer.

1 A What _______ on TV tonight?

B Oh, we’re going to watch a horror film.

2 A When _______ at school this morning?

B Oh, I arrived at nine o’clock.

3 A Who _______ at the party?

B Oh, I met Jane and Frank.

4 A Where _______ to next Saturday?

B Oh, we’re going to drive to my grandmother’s house.

5 A What films _______ at the cinema?

B Oh, we like watching romantic films.

4 Complete the sentences with pronouns from the box.

it him her them us me

1 A Did you like my sister?

B Yes. I enjoyed meeting _______ very much.

2 A Are you going to see the film?

B Yes. I’m going to see _______ next week.

3 A Did Lorraine speak to you about the party?

B Yes. She spoke to _______ yesterday.

4 A Did you tell Mr Johnson about the problem?

B Yes. I told _______ about it.

5 A Did you see Janice and Richard?

B Yes. I saw _______ this morning.

6 A Is Fiona going to talk to you and Briony?

B Yes. She’s going to talk to _______ tomorrow.


5 Match the opposite verbs.

teach get hear leave start lose

1 arrive ________

2 find ________

3 learn ________

4 send ________

5 speak ________

6 finish ________

6 Complete the sentences with the correct verb.

1 Can you p________ tennis on Friday?

2 Did you t________ any photos?

3 Can I p________ by credit card?

4 What car do you d________?

5 Did you c________ to class yesterday?

6 Do you often u________ the Internet?

7 Can I c________ money in this bank?

8 I want to b________ this watch. How much is it?

9 We want to r________ a flat in the city but it’s expensive.

10 We usually s________ at a hotel when we’re on holiday.

11 When did you c________ b________ from holiday?

12 What do you t________ of the film? Is it good?

7 What’s the next word?

1 yesterday, today, ________

2 sixth, seventh, ________

3 June, July, ________

4 fourteenth, thirteenth, ________

5 last month, this month, ________

6 the first of March, the second of April, ________

8 Complete the description with in, at, or on.

Last week I was at home 1 ________ bed when I heard a noise 2 ________ the street. My parents were 3 ________ the cinema, my brother was 4 ________ London, and my sister was 5 ________ a train to Paris, so I was alone 6 ________ the house. My bedroom is
7 ________ the third floor, so I walked downstairs. Then I heard a noise 8 ________ the kitchen. What was it? I looked 9 ________ a cupboard, and there was a small cat!

9 Underline the correct phrase to answer the questions.

Example: Where can you leave your car?

in a car park in a bedroom in a restaurant

1 Where do waiters work?

in a hospital in a restaurant in a factory

2 Where do you find pillows?

in a bath on a lamp on a bed

3 Where are there usually towels?

in a bathroom in a park in a garden

4 What goes to the fifth floor?

a spa reception a lift

5 What do you use a remote control with?

a TV a cupboard a station

6 Where do you buy presents or souvenirs?

a gym a spa a gift shop

7 Where can you find old, historical things?

a chemist’s a museum a beach


12 Match the answers a–k to the questions 1–10.

1 What’s the date today? ________

2 What did you think of the film? ________

3 Where’s room 107? ________

4 How far is that? ________

5 What do you think of the singer? ________

6 Can you help me? ________

7 Are there any banks near here? ________

8 What are you going to do tomorrow? ________

9 Where’s the bus station? ________

10 When’s your birthday? ________

a I think she’s great.

b It’s next week.

c Oh, about twenty kilometres.

d Yes, there are two in the centre.

e It depends on the weather.

f It’s on the second floor.

g It’s the twelfth of May.

h Go straight on, turn left, and it’s opposite the park.

i Yes – it was brilliant.

j I really liked it.

k Sure.


1 Read the text and answer the questions.

Isambard Brunel

Isambard Brunel was a great engineer. He built bridges, railways, tunnels, and boats. But what do we know about his life and work?

Brunel was born in Portsmouth in the south of England on 9th April 1806. His mother was English, but his father, Marc Brunel, was French. His father was a famous engineer in France, but he left his country in 1793. First he went to America and then to England, where he married an English woman in 1799. Isambard went to school in England and France, and spoke English and French.

When he returned to England from school in France, Brunel went to work for his father. In his first job, he and his father built a tunnel under the River Thames in London. Then, in 1831, Brunel won a big competition. It was for a bridge across the River Avon in Bristol in the south of England. The Clifton Suspension Bridge took 30 years to build, but today it is one the most beautiful bridges in the world.

In 1833, Brunel got a new job. He became chief engineer for the Great Western Railway Company, and work began on the train line from London to Bristol. Today, when you travel to Bristol by train, you go over beautiful bridges and through fantastic tunnels – Brunel built them all. As well as bridges, tunnels and railways, Brunel designed some famous boats. The 'Great Western', built in 1837, was the first steamship to go across the Atlantic Ocean to the USA. And the 'Great Eastern', built in 1859, was the biggest boat in the world.

Brunel wasn’t a good businessman. The ‘Great Eastern’ was very expensive to build and he lost his money. He also smoked a lot every day and worked very hard. He was only 53 when he died on 15th September 1859.

1 Where was Isambard Brunel from? ________

2 What was his father’s job? ________

3 What languages did Brunel speak? ________

4 What happened in 1799? ________

5 Which company did he get a job with in 1833? ________

6 Why did he lose his money? ________

7 How old was he when he died? ________

2 Read the text again and tick (ü) True or False.

1 Brunel’s mother was French.

True False

2 Brunel spoke two languages.

True False

3 Brunel’s father went to the USA.

True False

4 Brunel’s first job was in France.

True False

5 Brunel’s first job was working with his father.

True False

6 They finished building the Clifton Suspension Bridge in the 1860s.

True False

7 Brunel’s train line went from London to Bristol.

True False

8 Brunel didn’t like hard work.

True False


Tick (ü) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.

1 What ________ do you get up?

A time B is time C is the time

2 I ________ in the evening.

A watch never TV B never watch TV C watch TV never

3 Where ________ live?

A are you B do you C you do

4 I ________ drink tea.

A don’t never B never C not

5 Your son ________ see the doctor at four o’clock.

A can B cans C can to

6 What music ________?

A you do listen to B you listen to C do you listen to

7 A Can I use my mobile phone here?

B No, ________. I’m sorry.

A you can’t use B you can’t C you don’t

8 ________ you like?

A What sports B What do sports C What sports do

9 Does John ________ to the beach in the summer?

A go B goes C can go

10 You ________ swim here. It’s dangerous.

A can’t B don’t can C can’t to

11 What ________?

A does speak your sister languages B languages speaks your sister

C languages does your sister speak

12 ________ Samantha have lunch?

A When does B When is C When do

13 Where ________?

A works your girlfriend B does work your girlfriend
C does your girlfriend work

14 ________ to Spain on holiday.

A Jerry goes usually B Usually goes Jerry C Jerry usually goes

15 ________ buy an English newspaper in this shop?

A Can I B I can C Can I to

16 Peggy _____ at six.

A gets up always B always gets up C gets always up

17 Do ________ to the radio?

A you sometimes listen B sometimes listen you
C sometimes you listen

18 Can ________ with you?

A come my friend B my friend come C my friend to come

19 ________ in the evenings?

A Goes out your sister B Does she go out your sister
C Does your sister go out

20 ________ sit here?

A Do we can B Can we C Are we can


a Tick (ü) the correct word A, B, or C.

Example: I ________ up at seven o’clock in the morning.

A get ü B go C stand

1 ________ Fridays I finish early.

A The B At C On

2 What time do you go ________?

A bed B to bed C to the bed

3 I usually have breakfast at ________ 7.30.

A morning B the C about

4 I sometimes listen to the radio ________ the evening.

A at B on C in

5 I go to work ________.

A by bus B with bus C on bus

6 It’s ________ seven o’clock on Tuesday.

A on B at C in

b Tick (ü) the opposite of the bold word(s) A, B, or C.

Example: hot A cold ü B hungry C tired

7 different A closed B the same C clean

8 before lunch A at lunch B then lunch C after lunch

9 morning A evening B weekend C summer

10 go to bed A go out B go home C get up

11 dark A relax B light C short

12 the north A the winter B the evening C the south

13 inside A outside B onside C downside

14 open A cold B closed C long

c Tick (ü) A, B, or C to complete the questions.

Example: Do you sometimes play _____?

A tennis ü B the theatre C TV

15 When do you finish ________?

A home B work C bed

16 In the morning, do you have a ________?

A TV B breakfast C shower

17 Do you do ________?

A tennis B the gym C exercise

18 What do you usually have ________?

A dinner B for dinner C on dinner

19 Do you play ________?

A the guitar B sport C the cinema

20 Do you take a lot of ________?

A Internet B housework C photos


Tick (ü) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.

1 ________ your friends at the airport?

A Was B Did C Were

2 He ________ yesterday.

A arrive B did arrives C arrived

3 Where ________ yesterday?

A you was B was you C were you

4 What ________ Rosa and John want?

A have B did C were

5 A Was Tim late for work?

B Yes, ________.

A he was B was he C was

6 Sally ________ breakfast at home yesterday morning.

A has B haved C had

7 Paula ________ up early today.

A doesn’t got B didn’t get C didn’t got

8 ________ some shoes?

A Did you buy B Bought you C Did you bought

9 Was ________ in a meeting?

A we B you C she

10 Josie ________ French at university.

A study B studyed C studied

11 What time ________?

A went they B did they go C did they went

12 We ________ work at half past four yesterday afternoon.

A stopped B stoped C stop

13 A Did she get the job?

B No, ________.

A she did B did she not C she didn’t

14 I ________ TV yesterday.

A watched not B didn’t watch C don’t watched

15 A Did you have breakfast?

B Yes, ________.

A I had B I did C I did have

16 ________ in London?

A Did they live B Do they lived C Lived they

17 What ________?

A he was B was it C was they

18 She ________ tennis last Saturday.

A did played B didn’t played C played

19 Did he ________ the book?

A find B finds C finded

20 What time ________ to bed?

A went you B you did go C did you go


a Tick (ü) the correct preposition A, B, or C.

1 John was ________ the bus to Manchester.

A at B in C on

2 Rosie isn’t ________ work today.

A at B in C on

3 Mary studied ________ home yesterday.

A at B in C on

4 Jack lived ________ Rome.

A at B in C on

5 I went to work ________ the car.

A at B in C on

6 At 5.30 this morning I was ________ the plane.

A at B in C on

7 I called Sandra but she was ________ a meeting.

A at B in C on

b Tick (ü) the past simple verb.

8 I ________ tennis yesterday evening.

A played B plaid C playd

9 She ________ her glasses.

A breaked B broke C brook

10 Delia ________ to the party.

A came B comed C come

11 We ________ Tina and Rita in the park.

A meeted B mote C met

12 I ________ English last night.

A studied B studyed C studed

c Tick (ü) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.

13 A lot of people say that Italian food is the best ________ the world.

A of B for C in

14 Donna ________ goodbye to her boyfriend.

A sayed B saied C said

15 I watched TV last ________.

A day B night C evening

16 Tim ________ German when he was a child.

A speak B spoke C spake

17 We went on a ________ to London on Saturday.

A trip B holiday C travel

18 A Did you have a good day?

B Yes. It was ________!

A brilliant B worried C stressed

19 I went to America two years ________.

A past B ago C last

20 I ________a great song on the radio yesterday.

A hear B heared C heard


Tick (ü) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.

1 I don’t like ________ very much.

A he B her C they

2 A Is there a cinema in the centre?

B No, ________.

A there isn’t B there isn’t it C it isn’t

3 A I like your mobile phone.

B Thanks. I bought ________ yesterday.

A him B her C it

4 ________ any hotels in the town in 1990.

A They weren’t B There weren’t C There wasn’t

5 My brother drove ________ to the airport.

A us B we C our

6 Is there ________ doctor here?

A a B some C any

7 ________ any problems in the office yesterday?

A There was B Is there C Were there

8 I’m sorry but I didn’t see ________ there.

A he B you C they

9 There ________ children at the party.

A weren’t any B wasn’t some C wasn’t any

10 Where are my glasses? Can you see ________?

A they B them C their

11 There are ________ chairs in the room.

A some B a C any

12 I met Joe at 12 and ________ had lunch in a restaurant.

A we B us C our

13 Come and say hello to ________ when you arrive.

A me B my C I

14 I don’t know ________ very well.

A he B him C his

15 ________ any good stories in your magazine?

A Was there B Is there C Are there

16 I saw Jim and David this morning. I gave ________ your mobile number.

A him B her C them

17 Where did _____?

A she meet him B meet her him C he meet she

18 A Do you like my new car?

B Oh, yes. I love ________.

A her B them C it

19 ________ vegetables in the kitchen.

A There’s a B There aren’t any C Are there some

20 Did ________?

A them find him B he find them C they find he


a Which word is different to the bold word. Tick (ü) A, B, or C.

1 a city A a town B a beach C a village

2 a restaurant A a gym B a massage C a spa

3 a church A a museum B a hospital C a road

4 a bath A a toilet B a pillow C a shower

5 a chair A a remote control B a table C a bed

6 a shop A a post office B a supermarket C a car park

b Tick (ü) the correct place A, B, or C.

Example: There is a bath and a shower and some towels in this place.

A bedroom B gym C bathroom ü

7 There are some houses, a church, a post office, and 300 people in this place.

A a city B a village C a town

8 There are waiters, drinks, and a lot of food in this place.

A a restaurant B reception C a spa

9 You use this to go to the fifth floor.

A a park B a lamp C a lift

10 You buy food and drink in this place.

A a chemist’s B a museum C a supermarket

11 You use this to turn on or turn off the TV.

A a remote control B a double bed C a car park

12 You go here on a hot day. It’s near the sea.

A a bank B a beach C a bath

c Tick (ü) A, B, or C to complete the phrases.

13 My dad ________ me a computer for my birthday. It was a fantastic present.

A took B gave C called

14 My room is ________ the first floor.

A on B at C under

15 I ________ my keys yesterday and I can’t open the door.

A went B took C lost

16 Alice ________ her sister every day.

A sends B calls C gives

17 You can use the remote control to ________ off the light.

A turn B make C take

18 This is the second floor. Nick works ________ on the third floor.

A outside B upstairs C downstairs

19 Enjoy your ________ in our hotel.

A stay B live C stop

20 We ________ home at eight o’clock.

A gave B left C sent

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